We want to collect best practices, case studies, and even failures, that community builders have had in building contribution pathways. What do you do in your area to help new Mozillians get started? How do you mentor? How do you recognize success? What is a “minimum viable contribution” in your area? What does that mean to you? What tells you someone is contributing actively? Tell us your story.
The community building team and the pathways working group are building resources and best practices for both building new ways to contribute, and solving probems in existing community areas. We would love to include your learnings, successes, even failures. Thank you, for all you do.
Hey Mozillians,
I am here to share something related to community buildup.I wanted to share my experience about
developing community.I would like to introduced to Kidzilla 1.0 initiated by the Sathyabma Firefox Club.
Why Kidzilla?
KidZilla is an initiative which aims at educating school children about the basics of computers, the Internet and other similar stuff in a fun and interactive manner. This is also mainly concentrated on small schools with lesser facilities in the outskirts of the city.
Here are notes from the information professional working group:
What kinds of pathways do you seek?
In Toronto there’s a Mozilla office. After the drumbeat festival was held, there was an echo to have drumbeat in Toronto. Later youth events happened in Toronto before there was a Hive. 5 years ago wouldn’t have known another pathway into Mozilla. Became engaged via volunteering at Mozilla events and broad interest in participation and digital literacy
Similar story involving in-person involvement and drumbeat (went to Drumbeat in Barcelona) and then got involved in being a Webmaker fellow. I value in-person interaction, developing personal networks
What kinds of pathways do you seek?
Many small sites, many offsites
Presenting kits to libraries with programming
eg. Staff confidence with security as being a way of dealing with credible vs secure sources.
Advocating for tools= someone can be talking about natural affinities that libraries are currently trying to build from scratch