I am happy for having validated my first add on. I tested first with enabled the “no distribution on Mozilla.org” option (the beta test on https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/developers/addon/submit/2).
But I have some big doubts: The first time the validation failed for some reason for which I get support here (the errors were clarified); the problem is at the second try: here I installed the most recent (at least this is what I think…) version of jpm, the 1.0.6 (the first one was 1.0.3). So I changed the name and title, and I have to point out that the jpm installation was made --global. The doubts are:
- Why the new XPI file had 14MB size, while the preceding one had only some kB?
- Why in testing the add-on I get 2 errors, 24 warnings, 6 notices? Specifically, warnings were referring to something similar to this:
but I am sure of not having used any of the problematic elements indicated by each warnig. About the two errors, I get this:
The reason of the first error is obscure, and about the second one, I cannot explain the absence of manifest, because I think it was created by jpm xpi
Finally, I have added to package.json in myaddon directory the “id” field (*)… and magically the add on gets validation – the xpi file name now has changed into the id label I have given, and its size is returned normal, i.e. some kB… , Any idea?
(*) I red in jpm documentation this:
if the package.json does not include an id field [this was the case in the preceding attempts], then the ID written into the install.rdf is the value of the name field prepended with “@”.