Speech comment assisstant distributed control systems

Hello . I want to use Mozilla DeepSpeech to create software for distributed control systems that when a user says something through a microphone, the system executes that word / command, for example, when a user says open the system, open the door, or any other command. It could be numbers or anything else you can guide us with. what should I do ?

You use one of the examples I gave you in the other discussion to detect those intents and act upon them. And again, search the forum for examples.

thank you. I checked that example. Now my problem is that I do not know how to create a dictionary after using DeepSpeak, the output of which is text, etc. I can execute commands related to this software by voice.


DeepSpeech is not a ready-to-use user-facing solution, it’s set of library, bindings and models to build your tool. You need to learn to use it. Read the docs, the examples and discussions, as advised. Many people are successfully doing similar things …

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