Hi everybody,
I have this slides http://mte90.github.io/Talk-WebExt/ (already updated) and I will do again that talk in few weeks so I am looking for feedbacks also about updates or other stuff very cool.
This talk contain a demo time at the end with showing of the mdn’s demos.
The focus on web extension development is excellent, but I think its kind of disappointing that you didn’t mention anything about building extensions with the new api for dev tool panels.
Great job, I’d also like to volunteer to help create your curriculum resources and would also like to suggest putting some of your projects at the Mozilla Clubs repo to help you get collaborators…LINKTO=> Mozilla Clubs
Yes I am referring to them and at the github repo (there isa slide about it).
I am one of the people that pinged almost about that feature during the last all hands and in DM the devs that implemented that feature. There is the GitHub - googlearchive/devtools-extension-boilerplate: (WIP) A boilerplate project for Chrome DevTools extensions for that and if I time I show also that. My troubles on that is that I not find new ideas for a demo about it and is something that not all the devs take care. There is the slide with all the apis that contain also devtools. In any case I am developing a devtool so we wiil see about it
In any case is not a problem criticize the slides, usually during this talk I show examples based on interests from people and for DevTools I am looking for ideas of cool demos but without show a famous extension. Actually many new devtools addons are for the support for js frameworks and not for other stuff.