[Support] Flash Control

Problem is there is not such. It is operating normally.
Please disregard the previous reply.
By the way, it is better it was “delete”?

Oh, it’s fine. You can just leave it as it is.

I’ve been having issues recently where full-screening a YouTube video causes it to re-block, and exiting fullscreen puts the unblock button in strange places, like this:

Also, not a problem, but I thought this was pretty funny:

I wasn’t able to duplicate the problem, not sure if I had missed anything…


I found a way to replicate this pretty consistently.

  1. Start video playing, for testing I used https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RjtCS0EEoCY

  2. Scroll down & expand some comment threads by clicking some “view all X replies” links

  3. Scroll back up and full-screen the video

  4. Video stops and re-blocks, and can’t immediately be unblocked because the button isn’t on the screen.

  5. Exiting full-screen, you’ll be able to unblock the video button the button will be in random strange places.

Ok, should be fixed now in v2.1.4 (in the queue, awaiting full review). Thanks.

Awesome, thanks.

Next issue: I stumbled across a site where sound is not blocked at all:


Background music plays automatically. I verified I don’t have anything relevant whitelisted. I do see a blocked Flash icon near the upper-left, but clicking it doesn’t seem to change anything. Also, there appears to be an unblocked Flash object, which I assume is where the music is coming from. Looked at source and found this:

<embed src=“http://player.bgmstore.net/vwC6K” allowscriptaccess=“always” allowfullscreen=“true” width=“422” height=“180”>

Yes, you’re absolutely right, that’s where the music is coming from. But, if you look at the code, that isn’t a Flash object, it’s an unknown object, ie, it’s an object with no type. Firefox is either smart enough to have detected it as a Flash object internally (by reading the file header, the html mimetype, or other means), or simply just default unknown objects to Flash; Flash Control, on the other hand, can’t do that. Since Flash Control only promises to block Flash objects, it shouldn’t block unknown types, or “malformed” tags, right?

AOL Article link

I tried search for previous questions about AOL videos playing but found none. My-Bad if I didn’t search right.

Above link begins playing immediately.

I am using Comodo Icedragon FWIW

It looks okay to me:

ps: For some unknown reason, I did not receive any notification for your reply.

I tried, but I couldn’t find any explanation about this: what are the “F1L” boxes in the Flash Control sidebar? I see that the screenshots at the addon site show that at some previous version those were in fact “F12L”…

I’ve found another site that auto-plays audio and video despite Flash Control being active:

Looked at source and found this:

<a id=“bgndVideo” href=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygr5AHufBN4” class=“movie {opacity:1, isBgndMovie:{width:‘window’,mute:false}, optimizeDisplay:true, showControls:false, ratio:‘4/3’, loop: true, quality:‘small’,addRaster:true, lightCrop:true}”></a>

Also saw this bit of Javascript that seems relevant:

$(document).bind(“YTPStart”, function(){ $("#loading").fadeOut(3000)});

Any way for Flash Control to block this?

“F1L” is just the pager. F is the first page, L the last page, and 1 being page 1.

That is a malformed page. There shouldn’t be any tages between the “<head>” and “<body>” tags. I’ve noted it down. I’ll deal with it when I have the time – make Flash Control less strict to non-compliant sites (i.e. badly written web pages).

I’m running into a browser crash that seems to be related to Flash Control.

  1. Go to https://a.tumblr.com/tumblr_lvgcv2mbao1qjxbkwo1.mp3
  2. Either leave it blocked or press the button to start it playing
  3. Press Ctrl-T to open a new tab
  4. Browser consistently crashes for me at this point.

Crash does not happen in any of the following scenarios:

  1. Domain is whitelisted in Flash Control (however, un-whitelisting it while it’s open can trigger an immediate crash)
  2. “Disable Flash Control” option is enabled
  3. Flash Control is completely disabled through the Extensions menu

Using Windows 64-bit Firefox ESR 45.0.2.

Possibly relevant, I’m also using Tab Mix Plus with the option where opening a new tab duplicates the current tab. However, that may not be relevant because I’m also able to replicate the crash using a single tab (whitelist & then un-whitelist).

Thank you for your very detailed feedback as always. Yes, going by the description, it is related to Flash Control. I’ll see what I can do.

would you take a look at these two sites (example links provided) - Flash Control doesn’t seem to stop flash videos from auto playing and i hope there is a solution

Where you get the images? (the one you put in the webpage)
Can i use the html5 video/audio icon?
You created the images?

Is it that surprising that I created those images. Do it yourself, it’s not that difficult. Go get the official HTML5 icon, color the left and right sides with different colors/shades, if you need a gradient, use a gradient, then type an alphabet on top of it, There, you have your own icon.

What program you using?
But, when i change (must change?) the colors/shades then it looks not like the original html5 icon? Do you changed the colors/shades too? Or is this the original colors/shades?

Your icons are perfect!
I need these icons for my own add-on. (non-commercial ofc)
Your license says: Custom (Free for non-commercial use)?

Can we make a deal?
I give you the code (found out after some testing/time) to handle mediasource videos (e.g. youtube) and i get the two images (fc_play2a.png, fc_play2b.png)?