Dear Webthings Community,
Has anyone tried (successfully?) to add the Aqara TVOC Air Quality Monitor [Zigbee 3.0 device] to the Webthings Gateway. I have recently bought one and it is recognized as “temperature” device, but does not return meaningful values.
Before I spend hours debugging and doing a special config for this device (recognized as “luni.air.monitor.acn01”, I’m hoping someone else can assist. If not, I’ll post my configuration here once I get it doing everythting I want.
Many thanks for the quick response. I will certainly attempt to add support for this device - but I am a newbie when it comes to this, so it may take a while. In particular, I need to understand how to create a fork and submit it for inclusion. However, I have noticed that lots of the documentation is outdated (references to Mozilla folder structures, etc.). What’s the plan to update it - and is this something you need help with. I will soon be retiring from my “day” job and may have time to assist.
Meanwhile we on with some debugging and basic configs …