Zigbee new devices - how to or wiki available?

Hello everyone,

I am a curious guy who likes computers, electronics, and I recently came to WoT/IoT world.

As a DIY lover, i have loved the webthings raspberry pi gateway, and after doing a lot of things with ESP8266/ESP32 and Arduino, I came to zigbee-based sensors.

But I am struggling to put some air quality sensors to work. I like to make my own, but to start with, I bought some on aliexpress ( the cheapest ones, sure… ).

I see the sensor on logs and the strings of data, but I am unable to find a way to webthings/gateway to recognize it.

Instead of developing a new add-on, I like to create a profile inside the Zigbee addon, but I am unable to find the right way.

Is there a guide or something that points me to the correct way of creating this profile?

Any directions will help.

Thank you.

Hi @sgerevini, welcome.

I’m not aware of any documentation on how to do this, and I haven’t done it myself. I can only suggest that you look at how other devices are classified by the ZigBee adapter.

zb-classifier.js would be a good place to start.

Looking at the history of that file may help to see how support for other devices was added.

There’s some general documentation about add-on development and Zigbee debugging on the wiki.

You can then fork the adapter, add your changes and send a pull request. Contributions are most welcome!


@sgerevini Have you tried using the Zigbee2MQTT addon?