[Support] FoxyLink

Please post your support questions about FoxyLink here.

Thank you

“Firefox restricts some functions on some URLs” is shown as tray notification if I test foxylink with for example “https://addons.mozilla.org/user/azbb/”. I can copy that link destination via default firefox interface, but not mark it and use foxylink.

Firefox has blocked WebExtensions from injecting scripts into some of its sites like addons.mozilla.org, discovery.addons.mozilla.org, testpilot.firefox.com. This restriction is hard-coded into the Firefox and can not be bypassed.

I have heard Google has done the same with Chrome on Google Play.

All WebExtensions that need to inject scripts (for example to get the links, to copy to clipboard etc) will have the same restriction. :frowning:

I made a notice to tell users that it is nothing to do with the extension and it is Firefox that is blocking the WebExtensions. Firefox is not blocking itself so normal Firefox operations work on above domains. Older addons will also work. Only WebExtension type addons are blocked this way.

thx 4 quick rpl,
I expected that when reading the notification. however I thought the notication was shown by firefox itself, not by the addon.
This is pretty annoying. Mozialla states they want to provide developers with the means to port all legitimate addons and with small (but very usefull) addons like this they already block functionality.

is this blacklist at least transparent without browsing the source code?

There had been a lot of discussions over it. For example, one of my other addons FoxyTab, doesn’t have any content script at all. However, it can copy Tab title and in order to copy anything to clipboard, WebExtensions (soon to be called Browser Extensions … Moving the WebExtensions docs), addon has to inject a code into the content which is not possible on above sites, and there isn’t any Clipboard API at the moment.

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Thanks for explaining.

Do you intend to extend the functionality of foxylink?

I use Linky now and I love the preview dialogue where the user can use positive/negative filtering on the selected set of links.

Sure … any link-related function that can be useful …

That addon doesn’t have a lot of description to say what it does :thinking:

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Thats right. As I said in my eyes the most mighty function of Linky is to preview the selected links and (de)select from this list using filters.
Websites often have a grid layout and each line has several links. Sometimes you cannot select just the right URLs by marking, so a filter is very useful.

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Let’s see if there is a demand for it :+1:

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Some sugerences:

  1. An option to open all links
  2. A text filter
  3. A checkbox

(basically something similar to the “save images” link part)

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All links can be opened by Ctrl +a (select all) and then using the ContextMenu. I didn’t add a “open all Links” since some pages have 100s of links and that can create a mess if selected accidentally.

What do you mean by Text Filter?

A check Box for what?

By text filter i mean a textbox to filter the links (like the one in the picture)
The checkbox could be usefull to see which links are going to be opened, and tick untick some links

I see… I have to see what can be done.
The popups in WebExtensions are not the same as the legacy before. There are many limitations.

This is similar to Linky, where a RegEx filter can be applied to select/deselect urls based on a pattern. Happy to see other demanding for it.

If Popups are limited, consider reporting the need to Mozilla - They claim they want to provide developers with reasonable APIs.

Let’s see what can be done.

Any chance you can update this to copy multiple links AND the link text to the clipboard and give the user the option to open all the links?

I’m looking for a replacement to Multi Links Plus. I use this daily at work to copy jira ticket urls/text then I pasted it in notepad++ to reformat it for a release/build email list. I have a jira dashboard that shows all the current tickets in queue and I used this to copy them all at once vs copy/pasting each link and each links text.


With FoxyLink …
You can Open or Copy multiple links.
Yo can also save multiple links for later, and add to it multiple times.

Then you can copy the saved ones to Clipboard or Open the saved ones.

Isnt that what you wanted?

Can this addon open links that are images? like on https://eggcave.com/@thaliel , where I want to open all the links the images in the scrollable area link to

I have to do some testing. The Context Menu sees them as images (not links) but I can work on it to fix it in future (I am working on something else at the moment).

There are a few things that foxylink doesn’t do that I’m unable to find a suitable replacement for.

  1. I cannot easily copy links in a column as it only lets you drag however the browser selects vs doing something such as right click while holding ctrl key to show a box of what your selecting:

  2. I cannot copy multiple urls with their title text to paste

  3. I cannot choose on the fly whether to store the urls/title text or open them in alternate tabs:

Or, if I can do these things, I can’t figure out how. I included screenshots of what mutli-links does and the menu item it displays when you left click after using ctrl+right click to generate a box to capture the urls you care about.