Can you confirm that this method does not work when using a .cfg file? I can get Firefox to pick up the setting when I manually enter the setting into about:config
, but when I try to put it into a .cfg file that is read from Firefox while launching, it isn’t picked up.
Hi, I am a long time user of uBlock origin and today I wanted to make you guys a donation but I just realized reading your on github that there is actually no real way to make you a donation. Am I right ? If I am wrong, please head me to the right place. If I am right, why not creating a collective like MochaJS did ?
Thanks again for this great tool and keep up the good work !
The icon which opens the Settings panel is located in the left-hand side of the black strip at the top of the uBlock action popup. That strip also carries text showing the name and version # of the app. Both the text and icon are a gray color.
I suggest that the Settings icon and text be changed to a high-contrast color. Of the two, the Settings icon is obviously the most important. As is, it is practically invisible, even when looking for it in the strip. I had often wondered why uBlock didn’t have a way to change settings, and now I know that it does, but it is “hidden in plain sight.” I think it is too important to the operation of the program to hide. Make it stand out, or move it to the strip at the bottom of the action popup, and use the style of the icons there.
Finally, I suggest changing the tooltip to be specifically descriptive: “Click to change settings, filters, and rules.”
The current solution for un-breaking a site is massively overcomplicated. All you’d need to do to fix this without the complication is apply whitelist rules before filters.
For another example of this, my uBlock₀ shipped with Peter Lowe’s ad server list enabled by default, which contains
, which doesn’t seem to be an ad server per se but instead just a CDN. I use a site that serves legitimate JS files from that CDN, so my uBlock₀ configuration was preventing that site from working correctly. I tried adding
to the whitelist, but the problem persisted.
In the end, I had to copy-paste Peter’s list into “My Filters” with that one line removed, then disable the source filter set. This means I no longer get updates to that list. Another overly complicated solution.
So, why does uBlock₀ not simply check the whitelist first, then skip all other filtering if it finds a match? Isn’t that the very definition of a whitelist?
I don’t know what you are replying to. What “solution”?
I tried adding to the whitelist, but the problem persisted.
The dynamic filtering pane solution is a good point-and-click solution, I fail to see how it is “massively overcomplicated”.
The static filter approach to your specific problem is to create a custom exception filter (My filters pane in the dashboard):
The Whitelist pane is for whitelist directives, which dictate where to disable uBO. If you pasted
in the Whitelist pane, you just indicated that uBO should be disabled when you visit any web page from
– this is not what you wanted.
Does µBlock Origin support modifying Xpaths (div class)?
I want to modify //div[@class=“Foo”] to //div[@class=""] (empty) on - how do I write such a rule?
Thank you.
Can uBlock automatically decode links encoded in base64 format?
I can’t create blocking rules in this case.
Note: Subdomain (iwtjxgfu) contains random letters so blocking this is not an option.
No, that would be a really bad solution to a problem which you left undisclosed.
But I did load the URL
in my address bar, and I figured you are trying to block the top banner. I launched the element picker, and manually entered ||^
, and though I don’t know Polish, it did seem[1] that all the images which were ads would be blocked by that filter.
[1] uBO’s element picker will highlight all the elements affected by the filter currently present in the picker’s text area.
Are there any other solutions that offer an possibility to modify the class name of a div on the fly? Except Privoxy…
Like I said before iwtjxgfu is not a fixed subdomain! They change it from time to time using other random letters.
For example previous subdomains were
and so on.
Sorry to say that but UBlock as well as Adblock Plus are useless in this matter if they can’t do anything with base64 links.
For example decoded link looks like this
In this case I could easily create an universal rule here.
I’m really shocked that other sites do not use this simple technique to avoid filters. I see here a major hole in blocking software.
Thanks for your help up to this point. This should be my last question: you said that the CR/LF needs to be replaced, but I can’t figure out what it should be replaced with.
When I originally posted my “reply,” I didn’t specifically address it to you. Since you’ve responded to several messages posted after mine, I thought perhaps you hadn’t noticed it. Please take a look at topic number 104, and let me know what you think.
There is nothing special about base64 encoding, any string can be trivially encoded using a custom server-side scheme. That base64 was picked by this one web site is not a reason to burden blockers with such an arbitrary feature as if there was something so special about base64.
Hello uBlockOrigin.
I tried to block one specific Twitter profile from loading on my browser, but it does not works… Why?
It's just<username>
I can’t answer this without knowing exactly what you tried.
Try ||<username>$document
as custom filter in My filters pane.
I am continuing to work on this issue - I have an extension that is sending all web history to the following sites - you can see the raw request that I intercepted:
Unfortunately, I cannot seem to find a way to block these requests with uBlock Origin - the network log doesn’t even show the request, see here for the only reqests when I go to
What would be my next steps to attempt to block these requests?