[Support] uBlock Origin

What browser/version are you using?

Chrome Version 51.0.2704.63 m (64-bit) (Latest)

Itā€™s no longer possible for uBO (or any other extension) to see network requests from other extensions since Chromium 45[1]. This still works with Firefox though.

[1] https://github.com/gorhill/uMatrix/issues/338

Ah, missed that, thanks.

Too bad.

1 Like

Thank you, now the blocking worked!
Do you know where this $document came from?

I keep getting an error with uBlock. Here is the direct quote from the extension page. How can I fix this?
This extension failed to redirect a network request to data:application/javascript;base64,KGZ1bmN0aW9uKCkgewoJdmFyIG5vb3BmbiA9IGZ1bmN0aW9uKCkgewoJCTsKCX07Cgl3aW5kb3cuYWRkdGhpcyA9IHsKCQlhZGRFdmVudExpc3RlbmVyOiBub29wZm4sCgkJYnV0dG9uOiBub29wZm4sCgkJaW5pdDogbm9vcGZuLAoJCWxheWVyczogbm9vcGZuLAoJCXJlYWR5OiBub29wZm4sCgkJdG9vbGJveDogbm9vcGZuLAoJCXVwZGF0ZTogbm9vcGZuCgl9Owp9KSgpOw== because another extension (Ghostery) redirected it to data:application/javascript;base64,dmFyIGFkZHRoaXM9e2luaXQ6ZnVuY3Rpb24oKXt9LCBsYXllcnM6ZnVuY3Rpb24oKXt9LCB0b29sYm94OmZ1bmN0aW9uKCl7fSwgYnV0dG9uOmZ1bmN0aW9uKCl7fSwgY291bnRlcjpmdW5jdGlvbigpe319Ow==.

Itā€™s just a warning, there is no harm. See https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/1170#issuecomment-168989068.

Whitelisting the chanel page is already doable but once you click on the video then you get redirected to a generic watch page so I donā€™t think itā€™s possible. What you can do is disable the adblocker and watch a bunch of videos with ads of the youtubers you wanna support and then enable it, instead of watching random videos and enabling it and disabling it as you pass trough the ones you want to support.

Hello Raymond and team!

Is it possible to integrate uBlockā‚€ in ā€œnon-browserā€ environments such as Qtā€™s QWebView? I am developing a simple Qt desktop and mobile application that includes a QWebView to view few web pages and would like to incorporate uBlockā‚€ in the application. Is there any tutorial or wiki detailing how to integrate uBlockā‚€ in application that uses QWebView?

Thanks and kind regards,


Not sure if this is how I ask for support with uBlock Origin, but here goes:

Iā€™d like to install uBlock Origin as a default blocker across all the PCs in my organization, so Iā€™m wondering if there is a way to do this programmatically.
1)Iā€™d like to install uBlock so that it installs for the current user (it would be nice if it would auto install for all other users create or already on the PC).
2)Iā€™d like it it to install with a set of blockers Iā€™ve selected beforehand.

Is there a way to do this, or do I have to do it manually for each user?



  1. If you have ublock installed and the browser and itā€™s profile folders are accessible for all the users on that pc then then ublock is accessible to all the users on that pc. If the users are on different pcs you can use the portable version of the browser and create the profile for 1 and then using the console of your OS you can input the command to copy the browser folder to all the pcā€™s if you have them in LAN.

  2. To use ā€œblockersā€ you selected, if they are custom (AKA you made them), once you have installed ublock you can click on the icon on the browser and then click on the top back bar where it says ublock and it will open an other tab with the config, there switch to the tab ā€œmy filtersā€ and copy paste all the ā€œblockersā€ you made and press the apply button.
    If the ā€œblockersā€ you mention are filters that you have selected from internet filter lists like easy list, malaware domains, etc then you can enable their use doing the same mentioned above but go now to the third party filters and there you can select it from the list. If the filters are not on that list if you go all the way to the bottom youā€™ll see there is a space where you can paste the url of the filter sets you want.

Hope this helps.

How to block a Instagram account of being accessed?
I tried ā€˜instagram.com/<username>ā€™

On the ublock options in ā€œmy filtersā€ put this


the problem is that when it gets blocked itā€™s going to ask you if you wanna disable the block or not so if you are using it to make an other person not be able to enter it would be better to either put a browser extension to block it like for example https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/procon-latte/?src=search you can put the keyword intagram and it will block any page that mentions it. You can also block the page using the firewall on your router or the firewall on your pc which is a bit harder to do but is a lot harder to disable.

I noticed there are many sites now that the first click you
do on the page it makes you open an other tab or pop-up. The pop-up/tab
is almost always closed immediately by ublock but is it possible to
disable that tab/pop-up from ever opening? Thanks for your time.

Example: http://animeflv.net/ or http://gorillavid.in/anq4ij0u58ug1

Iā€™m using firefox 45 ESR x64 on W7 x64

The pop-ups and tabs that open have this format:

I tried ||data:text/html^$popup to prevent it for opening but itā€™s the same.

Sorry, there was an error on my post, caused by not using the correct formatation. I meant: ā€˜instagram.com/<username>ā€™. Iā€™m trying to block only 1 account.

If you wanna block a subdocument like instagram.com/shakira use


replace shakira whith the name of the account you wanna block

Does not works!

Thanks so much for this quick guide! I was familiar with using it to unblock things, but for me I wasnā€™t getting any tooltips or hints as to what it means to click the gray option in either column, or what the difference between columns was. I learned that hovering over the ā€œallā€ row at the top shows me which is local and which is global, so thatā€™s a startā€¦

I think for future releases, perhaps another way to visually differentiate would be helpful, or additional tooltips. Even with your fantastic post, Iā€™m not sure what the gray ā€˜noopā€™ parts do. Noop generally means ā€œdo nothingā€, so am I right to expect uBO to simply let a request through when noop is selected? In what way is noop different from clicking the green box to explicitly allow? Is noop used as a disabler for a prior option? For example, if I blocked an additional domain that uBO wasnā€™t blocking, and later came back to change my mind but didnā€™t want to allow it, would I use the gray noop button to ā€œeraseā€ my prior selection?

My apologies if this is too simple. Iā€™m a technically-minded person, but that part of the interface is lacking in documentation and Iā€™m reduced to trial and error to learn it.

That said, thanks again for producing such a great blocking extension. I honestly couldnā€™t enjoy the Web without it.

Try this


Itā€™s all explained in various places in the documentation ā€“ I would merely repeat what is already in there.

A noop rule will cause matching network requests to be ignored by the dynamic filtering engine, but those ignored network requests will still be subjected to static filtering.

Also: Overview of uBlockā€™s network filtering engine.