The Open Data Day is a project of the Open Knowledge Foundation (OKFN), with events all over the world that happen between March 4th and 10th. It is an annual celebration of open data all over the world and it is a great chance to talk about Common Voice, especially, since the theme this year is “Open Data to AI”.
Right now there are 22 events, but often more appear in the weeks before the date, so it’s worth to check this website again once in a while:
I am going to talk about Common Voice in Karlsruhe, Germany as member of the local Open Knowledge Lab Karlsruhe. I wanted to do this talk in 2020 already, but couldn’t because I got sick. If someone wants to come by, here are the details:
@gina and @jesslynnrose I have the old English Slide Pack for Contribution Events from the Google Drive folder that I am goinging to translate and adapt. Is this the latest template to use? Also, is there a chance to get promo material such as stickers?