Hi sorry for my poor English, is somebody can help me?
I created 3 add-ons, but I can not test the same as firefox says on the examples given in the tutorials:
this addon couldn’t be installed Because It Appears to be corrupt
my add-on https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/lecjo/ https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/lecjoa/
and the third to generate video in javascript and css, I expect to have completed the first two
I have found a solution for lecjoa.
I have found a solution for addon install for testing, it come from an other addon
But I can not open a file in a popup without the popup closes. To achieve lecjo I need this function. Does anyone help me?
Hey hi my name is ravi. As you said earlier that your add-on “Lecjoa” is cannot be installed as it appears to be corrupt. But now when i installed your Lecjoa, the add-on installed to me. So, here my question is what have you done to your add-on?. Actually my problem is same here. Please help me bro. Thank you and witing for your reply.
Sorry for my poor English
Several causes can have the same effect
In my case, it’s because I used another addon.
This other addon hampered the installation of mine.
I highly recommend using the Firefox developer release.
I hope the little information I have, help you.
I am currently on vacation without internet, it is the reason why the response