Hi guys
I develop a restartless addon for Thunderbird. I need to add some UI elements in compose window when the addon is activated.
What I did so far is:
at startup, add an observer on windows via nsIWindowWatcher
at shutdown, remove window observer, and set a variable X to true
when this observer observes domwindowopened event, add a
eventlistener to the opened window for “compose-window-init” event (when
it observes domwindowclosed, it removes the eventlistener) -
when this compose-window-init event is fired, check the
document.location of the window, if it corresponds to a message
composer: -
add the UI elements,
or remove UI elements and remove eventListener, if X is set to true
This works well (UI is added to compose message when addon is
activated, and removed when deactivated) except the following : when
addon is deactivated then activated again, the first compose message is
not provided with the UI elements. The UI is added to the other one, but
not to the first.
Any idea on why and how to solve this ?