To save and restore logins and passwords, add-ons, themes, personas


I was wondering if it is possible to create a way to save and restore passwords and logins in one click, inspired by the way we can save our bookmarks in Firefox, by creating a save button and a restore one.

Same things for add-ons, themes or personas… For us to get back our browser exactly as it was before uninstalling it (for any reason), creating a simple kind of little json backup system file we can save and take with us everywhere we want to.

I don’t understand what you mean by “save and restore passwords”. Isn’t that already a one click thing? As you sign in firefox prompts you to remember it no?

For the second part, on how to get your browser back before uninstalling. You can set up Sync. Click the main menu button. Then see that row right above the “Customize” button. Sign in to that and pick what you want to sync to the cloud. Then you can go to another browser, then login to Sync by clicking this same button, and it will bring everything over. Is that what you mean?


I was not talking about saving the login and passwords we want to save into
Firefox… (the browser still automatically does it…)
Nor I was talking about saving the login and passwords in the cloud

I was actually talking about saving login login and passords on our
computer or on a USB key, etc like we save our bookmarks by the tab import
and save, with a file like those who are in .json.

I was actually also talking about the same thing for login, passwords,
add-ons, themes and personas : a file we create (likewe do with the one in
.json to save our bookmarks in Firefox), but to save login, passwords,
add-ons, themes and personas…

I am sorry if you encounter difficulties to understand me, my english is
maybe not so good. It i because it is not my birth language.


No problem, I appreciate you trying to clarify.

Ah so password exporting? I use this:

Check it out.

Great ! Thank you ! But is it no possible to make it a Firefox add-on ?

Oh, sorry, it still is ! I didn’t see !

Yep it is an addon :smile:

What about your second question? Does sync’ing do the trick?

Thank you 10000000000000000000000 times for that add-on, Noitidart !!! I
didn’t knew it ever existed !!!

For my 2nd question, I never used synchronisation… I don’t know how it

My pleasure :smile:

Here is a guide on how to use Sync -

Thank you !! ;o))

I read it !

Best regards !!!