Translate site to Spanish and different languages?

Hi, I would like to translate into Spanish and involve more Spanish-speaking people.
Ask in the l10n channel the telegram about how to do the translation in Pontoon but I do not understand correctly what the procedure is.
Is it possible to do it in pontoon or should it be done in another way?

Regards! :grinning::beers:

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Same here! I would like to translate into Spanish :slight_smile:

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if it is necessary that we have translated the page into the local language and that applies to the different languages.

I already have the data and I will make an issue on the github page of the page requesting that it be localized in different languages and be able to work in pontoon


hello @benfrancis will it be possible that the website is available in different languages? I’ll write an issue on the github page on that topic.
I do not think it is necessary that all languages are present, you can add those that are translated into Pontoon.

Regards!!! :grinning::beers:

Thanks for the offer of help! I’m not sure of the best way to support these translations.

Feel free to file an issue at where we can discuss the options available.

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thank @benfrancis you for responding and for the support, I have published issue continue through there

Regards!! :grinning::beers:

Hello! Anything new about translations? I could add polish one.

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hello I opened that issue and from there another one opened but I still did not see that there are translations to other languages at the moment

Regards! :grinning::beers:

Thanks for commenting, I have left an answer
