Intro to Elections
The Mozilla Reps program has been a volunteer driven program since day 1. In that spirit the core governing body of the program, the Council, was designed to be an elected body with new members chosen by all Reps every six months.
More background about the history of the Council and its structure can be found here [1] and here [2] and you can find a visualization of the composition here [3]
The time has come for a new round of elections and this time 3 positions need to be filled. Emma, Raj and Arturo are reaching the end of their 12-month terms and their seats need to be replaced for another 12-month term.
Nominations are open as of today for Mozilla Reps mentors that are eligible (see criteria here [3])
All times in 09:00 UTC
- April 20: call for candidates (eligible Mozilla Reps Mentors only)
- call closes on April 24
- April 27: start of campaign period
- candidates are given 7 days to answer questions and post them on their profile page
- candidates are given 7 days to publish a 30-120 seconds campaign video
- May 4: deadline for answers and videos to be published
- Reps are encouraged to read through candidate replies and watch their videos during the week
- May 11: campaign ends and voting by all Reps who are eligible to vote begins
- Voting closes after 72 hours
- May 14: new elected members are announced and their Council Onboarding begins
This is an exciting time for the Reps program and our role as Reps to help Mozilla build a better web has never been as critical. Thank you all for being part of this!
On behalf of Mozilla Reps Peers and Council,
Pierros Papadeas