The Mozilla Reps program has been a volunteer driven program since day 1. In that spirit the core governing body of the program, the Council, was designed to be an elected body with new members chosen by all Reps every six months.
The time has come for a new round of elections and this time 4 positions need to be filled. Nikos (@comzeradd) , @Majda, Guillermo (@deimidis) and @sayak are reaching the end of their 12-month terms and their seats need to be replaced for another 12-month term.
Nominations are open as of today for Mozilla Reps mentors that are eligible (see criteria)
October 3 : call for candidates (eligible Mozilla Reps Mentors only) - call closes on October 9
October 10 : start of campaign period
candidates are given 7 days to answer 10 questions
candidates are given 7 days to publish a 30-120 second campaign video
October 17 : campaign ends
Reps are encouraged to read through candidate replies and watch their videos during the week
October 18: voting by all Reps who are eligible to vote begins - (voting closes after 72 hours)
October 21: new elected members are announced and their term begins
This is an exciting time for the Reps program and our role as Reps to help Mozilla build a better web has never been as critical. Thank you all for being part of this!
I’m excited to announce that we have 6 candidates for the forth cycle
of the Council elections, scheduled for October 18th. The Council has
carefully reviewed the candidates and agrees that they are all
extremely strong candidates to represent the Mozilla Reps program and
the interests of Reps.
As detailed in the wiki, we are now entering the “campaign” phase
of this election cycle. This means that for the next 7 days,
candidates will all have an opportunity to communicate their agenda,
plans, achievements as a Rep/Mentor, and personal strengths, to the
Mozilla Reps voting body. They are encouraged to use their personal
Mozilla Reps profile page, their personal website/blog, Mozilla wiki
page or any other channel that they see fit to post information
regarding your candidacy.
To guide them in this effort, the Council has prepared 6 questions
that each candidate is asked to answer. We had originally wanted to
have candidates go through mozmoderator but due lack of time we will
do this next election cycle. The questions are the following:
What are the top three issues that you would want the Council to address were you to join the Council?
What is in your view the Mozilla Reps program’s biggest strength and weakness?
Identify something that is currently not working well in the Mozilla Reps program and which you think could be easy to fix?
What past achievement as a Rep or Mentor are you most proud of?
What are the specific qualities and skills that you have that you think will help you be an effective Council member?
As a Mentor, what do you do to try to encourage your inactive Mentees to be active again?
In the spirit of innovation and to help bring a human face to the
election process, the Council would like to add a new element to the
campaign: video. This video is optional, but we strongly encourage
candidates to create one.
That’s it for now. As always, if you have any questions, please don’t
hesitate to ask the Council at
reps-council at mozilla dot com
I’ll be giving regular election updates throughout these next two weeks
so stay tuned!
And remember, campaigning ends and voting starts on October 18th!
In a few hours the campaign will end and voting for new Council members will be opened. Are you excited?
Tomorrow at 0:00 UTC you should receive an email with a link to vote on the portal.
For Reps that were not at previous elections, the voting system we use is called “Range voting”. In this voting you will be able to assign from 0 to 6 points to each candidate, depending on your preferences.
Feel free to ask any question you may have.
Remember: Voting starts tomorrow at 0:00 UTC and ends on October 21st at 0:00 UTC.