[Update] Common Voice participating in Mozilla's Global Sprint

Hi folks,

As you may know, Common Voice is in the process of going multi-lingual. As part of that, we need to collect sentences for people to read in all these new languages.

To kick start this effort, Common Voice is joining Mozilla’s Global Sprint.

“Mozilla’s Global Sprint brings together coders, scientists, artists, students, educators and activists to collaborate on open-source projects that make the internet a better, healthier place.”

If you’re interested in learning more, and perhaps even joining us, check out our Global Sprint portal:

Special thanks to @couci, @mkohler, and @nukeador for helping us make that happen.


Will the upload form stay around after the sprint?

for a while! until we replace it with something better :slight_smile:

It is quite nice, no need to replace it for now, right?

that’s very nice of you to say. yes for now it will stay around, but eventually we would like the main website to accept sentences. that won’t be for a few months. rest assured, we will continue to monitor that upload form until we have something else in place.

According to an email conversation I’ve had, those sentences will now be proofread. Is there also a way to sign up for that process?


@mhenretty, should I wait for you to add the contributions of that upload form or can I best add my contributions manually to the Github repository like you and others did for other languages?

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PR’s are definitely the best way for now. Thanks for you help!