Hello everyone,
I’m Rubén and I’m working at the Mozilla Open Innovation Team. During this quarter I’ll be investing more of my time to work with @mhenretty to help the Common Voice project, specially around Community strategy.
As we know, collecting sentences in different languages is an important step to advance the project, without valid sentences we won’t be able to offer something to read to people who want to donate their voice.
In the past we have taken different approaches to solve this issue, including a great sprint during May, but the experience and workflow is not yet great. We are still doing big clean-up efforts to collect existing sentences from very different sources (20-30K unreviewed sentences), don’t worry they won’t be lost
During this quarter we have a few goals in this front:
- Fix and automate the sentence collection workflow.
- Provide community with guidance on most productive ways to collect sentences.
- Grow the number of sentences in top languages.
- Get community engaged and influencing the strategy, ideation, and problem solving.
Current problems
We have identified some key problems
- The existing workflow to gather, review and validate sentences is too complex and involves a lot of manual labor (context)
- We don’t have a good coverage for popular languages, we don’t have enough sentences for them.
- We don’t have a clear success guidance to provide to contributors, or documented the existing ones.
- Contribution paths are spread across different places, the contribution experience is not good (sprint site, discourse and github)
Your input
We would like you to get involved in this conversation, where we want to identify other issues you think the sentence collection has. As a result we want to create a detailed document with all the things we need to solve and the requirements.
I would like to avoid jumping into suggesting solutions and keep the conversation in the problem space, so I have a few questions for you all (no matter your previous involvement with this project, your voice is important):
- What are the issues you think the sentence collection phase currently has?
- How would you envision a perfect sentence collection workflow in the future? (imagine no constraints)
Thanks for your opinion!
We’ll keep an eye on this topic during this week in order to produce a requirements doc draft by Friday.