The Microsoft WebVR team is looking to update titles of the onvrdisplayconnected and onvrdisplaydisconnected (to onvrdisplayconnect, onvrdisplaydisconnect) pages to reflect the latest W3C spec and browser implementations, in efforts to head off potential compatibility issues / confusion amongst early adopters.
At a high level, it seems this would require:
Confirming it’s ok to change the names of these pages
Making the in-page edits
Redirecting the pages to onvrdisplayconnect / onvrdisplaydisconnect URL paths
If that sounds correct, how might we go about steps #1 and #3?
I’m glad you folks spotted this, as I’d not noticed as yet
I’ve gone ahead and made the changes, as I’m pretty deep into these reference docs at the moment. I’ve made the changes to and moved the relevant property and event pages:
I’d be grateful if you could just have a quick look at the property/event pages to see if there’s anything I’ve missed. I’ve not bothered to mention anywhere that the names have been changed, as I think the technology is sufficiently early in the adoption process that it doesn’t really matter, and it would just complicate the pages. Let me know if you agree
Finally, to answer your questions:
Posting a message here to confirm changes you wish to make is absolutely fine; probably the best way in fact.
To move pages to different URLs, you need to use the “Move this article” option under the gear icon on each page. This takes you to a screen where you enter the new relative URL you want to move the article to, and it is pretty straightforward from there. Let me know if you can’t see this/don’t have access to it, and I’ll update your permissions if needed.
I’ve updated your permissions so that you can now move pages (and trees of pages). I’ve also given you permission to create new pages, and add attachments to pages, as they are bound to be useful somewhere down the line.
On the topic of moving pages — if a page you try to move has subpages, the “page move” page will tell you that there are x number of subpages that will be moved at the same time. If there are only a couple of subpages, then no problem. If however there are a lot of subpages (including translations), you might just want to mention it to us first so we can work with you on it. Things can sometimes go a bit awry in such circumstances.