Use jsprintsetup add-on source

I found one add-on “jsprintsetup” on
After doing review in this, i found the source code of it.
So can i use this same source code for jsprintsetup to create my personal add-on ?
Also can i upload my add-on on Mozilla for approval for Global use?

Please any one reply on this :smile:

Yeah totally, you can do that without any issues. Their work is open source. It would be good manners though to credit the original author in your code and also in the comments section when you upload to

Is their addon not on ? Or are you making some changes/improvements to it? If you are improving it, and they do have a page on then it would be nice if you could get in touch with them and request they add you as author so you can maintain it.

Thanks for reply…

i found this site link “” while review in add-on (jsprintsetup).

But did not find any contact link or email id to contact any person.So i posted here.

I was worry about the license things.Like if some one owns the rights for the code.So in this scenario should i use this same code or not.

Also now Mozilla is going to approve the add-ons and i want to make my add-on Global so my customers can easily download it.

It doesnt seem like that is on AMO. Just copy paste, use exact same name. But mention its a fork of this in the credits and link this page. In case the original authors or anyone interested in that project can join you and help you improve it. :smile:
Yeah they’ll approve it, they have some legal protection in that if they approve something that violates anything, they arent responsible.

The members page shows a contributor named Dimitar Angelov, and the username mitko. Try to bing/duckduckgo that and see if you can find an email, maybe github etc.

Github shows 4 users:✓

I reached out to the first name on github, lets see if its him:

The user seems real active, he just did a bug fix 5 months ago in June here:

You should definitely be able to contact him, sign up on that bugzilla, and also that mailing list. Just need to make some effort, definitely try. Ideally this project should be owned by the owner, and you added as co-author if you would like to contribute to it and help him maintain it. That bugzilla even lists his exact email!! Contact him first!

I’m happy to provide way to easy contribution to jsPrintSetup.
I will migrate jsPrintSetup to github and inform when I’m ready.


Dimitar Angelov

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Thank you so much mitkola! :slight_smile:

So it means I can use your code to make my own add-on right? :slight_smile:

He already has a listing for it and is working on updating it:

What is the reason you still want to make a fork? Rather then help him out?

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There you go @alex_patel05

Much thanks to mitkola for being so open about it

So you can now help him maintain it on github. He even posted a beautiful wiki page on it that explains a ton:

What contributions did you have in mind by the way?