Using 0.6.0 model on raspberry pi 4 (4gb)

I’m currently trying to run DeepSpeech 0.6.0 on a raspberry pi 4 (4gb), however I get an error saying “ERROR: Model provided has model identifier ‘=’+;’, should be ‘TFL3’”. Does this error mean I need to convert the model to a TFL3 model, and if so how would I go about doing so?

You should use the model file ending with .tflite

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I have the same issue with the 0.7.4 model.

These are the codes I used:

pip3 install deepspeech
curl -LO
curl -LO
curl -LO
tar xvf audio-0.7.4.tar.gz
deepspeech --model deepspeech-0.7.4-models.pbmm --scorer deepspeech-0.7.4-models.scorer --audio audio/2830-3980-0043.wav

Then I got an error saying

ERROR: Model provided has model identifier '?A9", should be ‘TFL3’.

I believe the model I downloaded was deepspeech-0.7.4-models.scorer. There was no file ending with tflite. What should I do?

Thanks for your time!

Please read Reuben’s answer, there are still 2 versions: classic pbmm and tflite.

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Thanks for your reply. I understand Reuben said that there should be a file ending with .tflite
I am new to Linux and deepspeech. The instructions I followed was from: Welcome to DeepSpeech’s documentation! — DeepSpeech 0.7.4 documentation
After the 2 curl -LO I got this two files.
One ending with .pbmm, another one .scorer
If I need another tflite model, do you know where I can get it?

Check the releases on github, there might not be a tflite for 0.7.4 though, but there is one for 0.7.0. Scorer is fine, but maybe a bit too big for raspi. You’ll have to build a custom scorer.

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Thanks! I will try 0.7.0 first.

As a matter of fact, I used these codes on Window and they worked just fine. I even recorded my own audio and deepspeech was able to transcribe it.

But when I tried on my Raspberry Pi with the same excact codes I got that error. (before that I got ‘Bash: Command not found’ errors but it somehow resolved itself when I did a little PATH changes)

I just thought I should get the example models work with the provided wav files before I get on to learn how to build a costom scorer. And I really need it to work on my RPi, not Windows.

Thanks again!

The scorer should work, it is just 900MB large, which might be too big, but you’ll get better results. Search for tflite here in the forum if you run into problems.

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I have found the 0.7.4 tflite on github.

Downloading now and hopefully it will work :blush:

It didn’t work. :sob:
Even got another error with reading the .pbmm file.
I am going to do more searching :sob:

Shouldn’t the error message say that? And shouldn’t the documentation (including command-line --help) say that?