I’m trying to use DeepSpeech on a small Ubuntu 18.04 Server. I don’t have a dedicated GPU so I went with the CPU version. Soon I found that the bundled tensorflow needs a processor that supports AVX, which my CPU does not support. So I got the “Illegal instruction (core dumped)” exception.
After some digging I found out that I can build tensorflow with optimized settings for my CPU.
Following this thread I managed to build tensorflow and deepspeech. Even the make deepspeech in the native_client works.
But sadly when I run deepspeech --model ~/DeepSpeech/models/output_graph.pb --lm ~/DeepSpeech/models/lm.binary --trie ~/DeepSpeech/models/trie --audio ~/DeepSpeech/models/2830-3980-0043.wav
I still get the Illegal instruction core dumped error.
And running: ARGS="~/DeepSpeech/models/output_graph.pb ~/DeepSpeech/models/2830-3980-0043.wav ~/DeepSpeech/models/alphabet.txt ~/DeepSpeech/models/lm.binary ~/DeepSpeech/models/trie" make run
~/DeepSpeech/native_client$ ARGS="~/DeepSpeech/models/output_graph.pb ~/DeepSpeech/models/2830-3980-0043.wav ~/DeepSpeech/models/alphabet.txt ~/DeepSpeech/models/lm.binary ~/DeepSpeech/models/trie" make run
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=//tensorflow/bazel-bin/native_client: ./deepspeech ~/DeepSpeech/models/output_graph.pb ~/DeepSpeech/models/2830-3980-0043.wav ~/DeepSpeech/models/alphabet.txt ~/DeepSpeech/models/lm.binary ~/DeepSpeech/models/trie
Usage: ./deepspeech --model MODEL [–lm LM --trie TRIE] --audio AUDIO [-t] [-e]
Running DeepSpeech inference.
--model MODEL Path to the model (protocol buffer binary file)
--lm LM Path to the language model binary file
--trie TRIE Path to the language model trie file created with native_client/generate_trie
--audio AUDIO Path to the audio file to run (WAV format)
--beam_width BEAM_WIDTH Value for decoder beam width (int)
--lm_alpha LM_ALPHA Value for language model alpha param (float)
--lm_beta LM_BETA Value for language model beta param (float)
-t Run in benchmark mode, output mfcc & inference time
--extended Output string from extended metadata
--json Extended output, shows word timings as JSON
--stream size Run in stream mode, output intermediate results
--help Show help
--version Print version and exits
TensorFlow: v1.14.0-21-ge77504ac6b
DeepSpeech: v0.6.1-0-g3df20fee
Makefile:29: recipe for target 'run' failed
make: *** [run] Error 1
Has anyone any idea how I can narrow this error down?
((slow to reply) [NOT PROVIDING SUPPORT])
Are you sure this deepspeech binary is the one your built ? What flags did you end up using ?
((slow to reply) [NOT PROVIDING SUPPORT])
Just a side note, I’m not sure how much performances you can expect from a CPU that does not support AVX.
So first of all the build was successful. But unfortunately running : make deepspeech results in:
ARGS="~/DeepSpeech/models/output_graph.pb ~/DeepSpeech/models/2830-3980-0043.wav ~/DeepSpeech/models/alphabet.txt ~/DeepSpeech/models/lm.binary ~/DeepSpeech/models/trie" make run
c++ -std=c++11 -o deepspeech 'pkg-config --cflags sox' client.cc -Wl,--no-as-needed -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN -L/<user_home>/tensorflow/bazel-bin/native_client -ldeepspeech 'pkg-config --libs sox'
/bin/sh: 1: pkg-config: not found
/bin/sh: 1: pkg-config: not found
/tmp/ccDN401d.o: In function 'GetAudioBuffer(char const*, int)':
client.cc:(.text+0x640): undefined reference to 'sox_open_read'
client.cc:(.text+0x725): undefined reference to 'sox_open_memstream_write'
client.cc:(.text+0x7bf): undefined reference to 'sox_create_effects_chain'
client.cc:(.text+0x805): undefined reference to 'sox_find_effect'
client.cc:(.text+0x80d): undefined reference to 'sox_create_effect'
client.cc:(.text+0x837): undefined reference to 'sox_effect_options'
client.cc:(.text+0x882): undefined reference to 'sox_add_effect'
client.cc:(.text+0x8c0): undefined reference to 'sox_find_effect'
client.cc:(.text+0x8c8): undefined reference to 'sox_create_effect'
client.cc:(.text+0x8e8): undefined reference to 'sox_effect_options'
client.cc:(.text+0x933): undefined reference to 'sox_add_effect'
client.cc:(.text+0x971): undefined reference to 'sox_find_effect'
client.cc:(.text+0x979): undefined reference to 'sox_create_effect'
client.cc:(.text+0x999): undefined reference to 'sox_effect_options'
client.cc:(.text+0x9e4): undefined reference to 'sox_add_effect'
client.cc:(.text+0xa22): undefined reference to 'sox_find_effect'
client.cc:(.text+0xa2a): undefined reference to 'sox_create_effect'
client.cc:(.text+0xa54): undefined reference to 'sox_effect_options'
client.cc:(.text+0xa9f): undefined reference to 'sox_add_effect'
client.cc:(.text+0xaea): undefined reference to 'sox_flow_effects'
client.cc:(.text+0xaf9): undefined reference to 'sox_delete_effects_chain'
client.cc:(.text+0xb08): undefined reference to 'sox_close'
client.cc:(.text+0xb17): undefined reference to 'sox_close'
/tmp/ccDN401d.o: In function 'main':
client.cc:(.text+0x13a4): undefined reference to 'sox_init'
client.cc:(.text+0x167c): undefined reference to 'sox_quit'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Makefile:22: recipe for target 'deepspeech' failed
make: *** [deepspeech] Error 1
I reinstalled pkg-config with brew install pkg-config with no effect. Also TFDIR is set to the tensorflow dir.
Did I miss something again?
((slow to reply) [NOT PROVIDING SUPPORT])
Again, the docs ?
pkg-config needs to be in your PATH, and brew’s sox needs to be installed.
As documented, TFDIR might need to be overridden to your tensorflow’s path if you have changed its name.