Version was disabled because I tried use API to sign another version?

Ok, This whole thing about signing addons is absolute BS.

I’ve uploaded a new version of my addon to AMO as usual, via browser, it was in queue for review and then I tried sign the same xpi file using official incomplete tutorial so I can upload it to github for people to test it. First it gave me error that version already exists, so I changed the version number in xpi and tried again, and it failed again but with this:

Your add-on has been submitted for review. It passed validation but
could not be automatically signed because this is a listed add-on.
JPM [info] FAIL

Since second version was just a test I deleted it from AMO before realizing that original version was disabled…
Now what? Do I have to delete the whole version and upload a new one, which also requires changing version number in xpi?

Addon: {bb6bc1bb-f824-4702-90cd-35e2fb24f25d}
Version: 1.13.2

I moved it back to the queue. Since there’s a newer version that was deleted, I’m not sure if the review will work correctly. The easiest solution is to resubmit with a new version number, but you can also wait for a review.