I followed the instructions to create a vue to-do-list app, but I think there is a bug.
that is: when we click the save button from ToDoItemEditForm component, we can’t get back to the ToDoItem view , let alone the focus management ( we want move the focus to the input in the ToDoItem view)
at first, I think that is my problem, then I checked your live version, then I find the same problem.
To help you understand, I use my phone to record a video in this file vuebug.zip (2.0 MB)
Thanks for bringing that up @Austin_Hart! The video was helpful.
It seems it only happens when we try to save without having made an edit. As soon as we make changes (add or delete) it works. I agree that’s a bit strange. It should just close the edit mode.
I think it’s worth opening an issue on the MDN GitHub. You can find it at the bottom of every article. Here it is for your linked article: Report a problem with this content on GitHub