@erogol. I look up the config_libri360.json file and found that if the mode is string mold or gaus, then the mulaw` will not effective.
And the second confusion part is if i set mode is mold, then i noticed that in dataset.py part
if self.mode in ['gauss', 'mold']:
x = self.ap.load_wav(f"{self.path}wavs/{file}.wav")
elif type(self.mode) is int:
x = np.load(f'{self.path}quant/{file}.npy')
Should the wav file is the original file or the GL wav result generated by TTS ?
@erogol. Hey erogol. I tried to trained wavernn on bits mode, which i set bits to 10. The config file, training log and samples are below. wavernn_results.zip (915.7 KB)
The sound seems having some grainy, especially the sample 630000_Ibu saya mengirim saya bingkisan.wav, would you mind sharing some advice to improve the quality ? Thanks a lot.