I have looked over the MDN, but could not find the answer to this question: which Firefox versions support WebExtensions AND Native Messaging?
I am asking this because I have a Firefox extension, on the Web Store, which uses Native Messaging. I have performed the following checks under Windows 8.1 x64, for Firefox 55:
- registry key present in “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Mozilla\NativeMessagingHosts\my.msg.host” so no Wow6432 key). “my.msg.host” is not the actual name, it’s just an example.
- path to JSON present in the key above. The JSON file is accessible by “Everyone” in the Windows Security context.
- the JSON has the doubled backslashes in the path and the allowed extension ID is correct.
Although my extension attempts to start the NMH, Firefox 55 does not start it. I have used Process Monitor and Firefox 55 does not even read the “NativeMessagingHosts” registry key. What am I doing wrong?