Which Firefox version support Native Messaging?

I have an app using Native Messaging mechanism on Google Chrome. Now, I want to develop a same app for Firefox (i will use Native Messaging). I have read some document for Add-on, WebExtension, Native Messaging But I have some problem I’m not clear, so anyone can answer me the below questions please:

  1. Which methods I can use to make add-on for Native Messaging? (WebExtension or Add-on SDK or both)
  2. Which Firefox version support Native Messaging?
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Hi, native messaging in Firefox is part of WebExtensions, it is not directly available to SDK add-ons. But if you already have an existing Chrome extension, you ought to be able to use the same code as a Firefox WebExtension with few, if any, changes.
The Firefox native messaging guide is at https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Add-ons/WebExtensions/Native_messaging As for Firefox versions, browser compatibility data on MDN is displayed for individual functions. For instance: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/runtime/connectNative#Browser_compatibility
As documented on that page, native messaging is present from Firefox version 50 (which means that as of this moment, it is available in Developer Edition and Nightly. 50 is scheduled to go to the beta channel next week.)

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Thanks Andrew Swan!