WebExtensions - Bookmarks Annotations

I started playing around with WebExtensions bookmarks and saw, annotations (tags, keywords) are missing.

WebExtensions Code:

chrome.bookmarks.getTree(function (bookmarks) {

which gives me something like:

    "id": "unfiled_____",
    "title": "Other Bookmarks",
    "index": 3,
    "dateAdded": 1453910567986,
    "parentId": "root________",
    "dateGroupModified": 1464102245047,
    "children": [
        "id": "iNJoychmG-4-",
        "title": "WebIDE Troubleshooting - Firefox Developer Tools | MDN",
        "index": 0,
        "dateAdded": 1464102204895,
        "parentId": "unfiled_____",
        "url": "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Tools/WebIDE/Troubleshooting"

while exporting the bookmarks directly in the browser will result in:

  "guid": "unfiled_____",
  "title": "Other Bookmarks",
  "index": 3,
  "dateAdded": 1453910567986000,
  "lastModified": 1464102245047000,
  "id": 5,
  "type": "text/x-moz-place-container",
  "root": "unfiledBookmarksFolder",
  "children": [
      "guid": "iNJoychmG-4-",
      "title": "WebIDE Troubleshooting - Firefox Developer Tools | MDN",
      "index": 0,
      "dateAdded": 1464102204895000,
      "lastModified": 1464102204900000,
      "id": 40,
      "charset": "UTF-8",
      "iconuri": "https://developer.cdn.mozilla.net/static/img/favicon32.e02854fdcf73.png",
      "annos": [
          "name": "bookmarkProperties/description",
          "flags": 0,
          "expires": 4,
          "value": "If you're trying to connect a Firefox OS device to WebIDE and it doesn't show up, here are some things you can try:"
      "type": "text/x-moz-place",
      "uri": "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Tools/WebIDE/Troubleshooting"

What can I do, to query/update/create bookmarks with annotations (tags, keywords) with WebExtensions/bookmarks?

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Discussion continued here: WebExtensions Bookmarks Tags/Annotations - Come On