I copied the single-thing example and get many verbose 404.
2019-04-21 12:39:17,392 web.py:2162 WARNING 404 GET /0 ( 11.02ms
2019-04-21 12:39:17,469 web.py:2162 WARNING 404 GET /0 ( 9.59ms
2019-04-21 12:39:17,496 web.py:2162 WARNING 404 GET /0 ( 10.73ms
2019-04-21 12:39:17,534 web.py:2162 WARNING 404 GET /0 ( 12.54ms
2019-04-21 12:39:17,563 web.py:2162 WARNING 404 GET /0 ( 12.78ms
2019-04-21 12:39:17,592 web.py:2162 WARNING 404 GET /0 ( 11.35ms
2019-04-21 12:39:17,644 web.py:2162 INFO 200 GET / ( 35.93ms
2019-04-21 12:39:17,680 web.py:2162 WARNING 404 GET /0 ( 11.75ms
2019-04-21 12:39:17,710 web.py:2162 INFO 200 GET /properties/on ( 11.74ms
2019-04-21 12:39:17,751 web.py:2162 INFO 200 GET /properties/brightness ( 14.33ms
2019-04-21 12:39:17,781 web.py:2162 INFO 101 GET / ( 13.86ms
2019-04-21 12:39:17,823 web.py:2162 WARNING 404 GET /0 ( 12.73ms
I get many 404 and once a while 200 & 101.
However, I have a special setup, I’m not sure if it’s related to my installation.
I noticed that multiple-things are not miss behaving like that and its called in a class instead of a function.
Why is that different?