Webthing-python/example/single-thing.py prints 404 verbose

I copied the single-thing example and get many verbose 404.

2019-04-21 12:39:17,392 web.py:2162 WARNING 404 GET /0 ( 11.02ms
2019-04-21 12:39:17,469 web.py:2162 WARNING 404 GET /0 ( 9.59ms
2019-04-21 12:39:17,496 web.py:2162 WARNING 404 GET /0 ( 10.73ms
2019-04-21 12:39:17,534 web.py:2162 WARNING 404 GET /0 ( 12.54ms
2019-04-21 12:39:17,563 web.py:2162 WARNING 404 GET /0 ( 12.78ms
2019-04-21 12:39:17,592 web.py:2162 WARNING 404 GET /0 ( 11.35ms
2019-04-21 12:39:17,644 web.py:2162 INFO 200 GET / ( 35.93ms
2019-04-21 12:39:17,680 web.py:2162 WARNING 404 GET /0 ( 11.75ms
2019-04-21 12:39:17,710 web.py:2162 INFO 200 GET /properties/on ( 11.74ms
2019-04-21 12:39:17,751 web.py:2162 INFO 200 GET /properties/brightness ( 14.33ms
2019-04-21 12:39:17,781 web.py:2162 INFO 101 GET / ( 13.86ms
2019-04-21 12:39:17,823 web.py:2162 WARNING 404 GET /0 ( 12.73ms

I get many 404 and once a while 200 & 101.

However, I have a special setup, I’m not sure if it’s related to my installation.
I noticed that multiple-things are not miss behaving like that and its called in a class instead of a function.
Why is that different?

The URLs that the things are hosted on are different when using single and multiple things examples. the /0 would be the first thing of a multiple things instance, while /properties and / is where the thing lives when there’s only one.

MultipleThings are also order dependent, so always have your things in the same order in the constructor to it (or however that works in python).