Raw notes here.
ReMo Portal Event - If you attended this call or watched the AirMo recording, please mark yourself as an attendee here: (both reps or mozillians)
ADD YOUR NAME, your TWITTER Handle aaaaaaaaannd my favorite movie is
Quentin Lamamy, @quentin_lamamy and my favorite movie is “La cite de la peur”
Daniele Scasciafratte, @mte90net and my favorite movies The Expandables I-II-III/Frankestein Junior
Edoardo Viola, @edovio, The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Konstantina @Konstantina_P, notting hill , really I just watched that again the othernight I can say lines
Kiki @kelimutu, favorite movie? can’t think about one.
how many are now in the italian community? more then 25 people
Not a question, but amazing work - presentation, inspiring! Thanks!!! <3
Also not a question but I love the use of the new Mozilla branding (from Sierra) – excellent work overall Thanks Sierra!
TOPIC 2 - Quentin Fremeaux on community building
How can I be a Reps Mobilizer ?
Lots of communication
Sharing with my community the different events within the community
Reporting what’s is hot after each Reps Call (and not NDA)
So I’d Like to report Reps Call to my community and give a general overview of what is going on this week in the Mozillians planets to my community.
Not just willing them to search info in a jungle of stuff out there
How other communities are organized in others countries ?
By example MozFR is globally made of several french speaking countries and mostly France has several groups of Mozillians in different town
Are your local communities linked to a Rep ? it tends that local group are not necesseraly “coach” or informed by reps.
How the MozFR community is organized ?
Local groups
And functional groups
many groups splitted in different functional groups (not all linked with Reps)
Way of communication
An old mailing list where everyone tends to discuss along some IRC talks
A more recent github to track our bug that is a success imo
But still there are troubles to communicate – some people willing to communicate only with some kind of tools. Discourse is somewhat ignored
-> Goal is to create a kind of weekly newsletter to help people find the most valuable information within community and in other communities ! Create a link between Reps side and mozillians
If you would like to get more information or chat through your idea, you can email me at sreed @ mozilla.com (I will )
TOPIC 3 - Small changes on the portal metrics and functional areas
We update the metrics portal
Council decide to put web compatibility as a functional area