(Konstantina Papadea)
Hello amazing Reps,
Join us today, Thursday for our weekly meeting at our usual time, 16:00 UTC
AirMo video:
Etherpad link:
Vidyo link:
Weekly call details:
TOPIC 1 - Reps OKRs
TOPIC 2 - Sony Z3C project
TOPIC 3- Nightly new logo
TOPIC 4 - Council Updates
TOPIC 5 - Featured Future events
And your topic! - feel free to add it on etherpad
PS: As always we encourage you to add some shout outs! We have amazing reps doing amazing work! Let’s send them some #mozlove!
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(Chiorean Ioana)
Raw notes are here.
ReMo Portal Event - If you attended this call or watched the AirMo recording, please mark yourself as an attendee here (both reps or mozillians).
- Juma Baldeh, @ TechAngelGirl, favorite emoji is
(Face with stuck-out tongue and winking eye)
- Pushpita Dey, @ PushpitaPikuDey, favorite emoji is
(Face with a broad smile)
- Daniele Scasciafratte, @ mte90net,

- Sandeep,@ sandeep81910240,my fav emoji is

- Ajay Kumar Jogawath, @ akjogawath
- Konstantina @ Konstantina_P, I like the blash face
- Eduardo Urcullu (Urcu) @urcubot
- Francisco,
(the truth is outhere scully)
- Elio @ elioqoshi

- Raj Nilayam (@ rajnilayam
- Robinhy @ 007Robinkoshy
- Jason Shultz, @ thehashrocket
- Alejandro GĂłmez @ alexfuser

- Tunde Awopegba @ awopee
- Roshan Gautam @ roshangautam0

- Tanzeel Khan @ khantanzeel
- LĂvia Takács, @ Liv_oni, facepalm
Know some Reps who did an amazing work! Let’s share some #mozlove to them! (they will be tweeted after the meeting)
- happy birthday Amine!
- thanks vp7 for all the work on featured future events
TOPIC 1 - Reps OKRs
- Next project: the budget allocation
- Feel free to provide feedback on the OKRs
TOPIC 2 - Sony Z3C project
TOPIC 3 - New nightly logo - Elio
- Starting in Firefox 57, Firefox will also have a new logo based on the new Photon style and UI:
- playing our with colours of fire
- that’s why the purple on nightly
- See a usage of the old logo? Please let us know
- New logo Wallpaper:
TOPIC 3 - Featured Future events - Franc (thanks to VP7)
TOPIC 4 Council updates - Daniele
- work on OKRs done Reps Program Q3 OKRs - 2017
- started working on budget allocation
- reps resources beta training is keep going
- coaching is now on teachable and soon to be available for the council
- started working on the reps council physical meeting
NON-VERBAL UPDATES (ie: you can’t attend but want to share something)
- Try Focus:
- Use Firefox Nightly!
- Add your picture to get featured on our Facebook cover. Check the following link for details.