Hi, my name is Amine Zaafouri, and I am from Tunisia
Hi, my name is Mijanur and I am from Bangladesh. It’s very cold weather here!
Hi, my name is Abhiram and I am from Bangalore, India! My holidays favorite food is Xmas plum cake! <3 My first Reps call (if all goes well!!) Welcome!
Hi, I’m @bebe from Romania. My holidays favorite food is sarmale.
Hi, I’m Raultalreja from Bhopal, India. And i love Mangoes too .
Hi, my name is Adriano Cupello, and I’m from Brazil, my holidays favorite food is Rabanadas, this is a version of French toast, Pain Perdu
Hi, my name is John and I’m from Scotland. My holidays favourite food is fresh pasta
Hi, my name is Konstantina and I’m from Greece. My holiday’s favorite food is baby potatoes - that is a holiday food? no but I do like potatoes and my mother cooks them at that time :P+1
Hi, my name is Ina and I’m from Indonesia. My holiday’s favorite food is Lontong Opor!
Hi my name is @lucyeoh and my favorite holiday food is date squares (also rum & eggnog but I guess that’s not a food…)
Hi, my name is @sane and my favourite holiday food is ???
Hola, I’m @nukeador and my favorite food is turron
Hi, I am Ioana and my favorite Christmas food is cartabos (meat spread) and dobos ( cake)
Hi, I’m @mkohler and my favorite holiday food is cookies
Hi, I am Bolaram . from Bangladesh (getting ice !!! )
Hai ,I am Kumaresan.C.S and from Kerala, India.
Hi, I am Mariot and I am from Madagascar
Shout outs!
(Abhiram) Jafar - for kickstarting a end of year campaign with the whole Indian community important because Indian Mozillian communities are very, very spread out (geography + technically) so it’s a great effort to consolidate everything!
(Abhiram) Francisco - #mozlove to you for taking the time to go through all the applications for Leadership Summitt, again! +1
(Rahul)+1 +đź’–+1000 to all the mozillians that participated in Orlando All Hands
Council and Peers for working together on the TownHall back in Mozlando
Ioana and Konstantina for driving this call last months.
German community for finishing their mid-term plans for 2016!
TOPIC 1 - Firefox OS - John Bernard
fx os as a team moved to Connected Devices - focus on iOT, home, web of things -including smartphones
growing to have more relationships with partners and products
Colaboration - contributions - Open Source led project that with the volunteers help will get more people more involved ( technical, marketing etc)
Core - Product - a nice product that people will love to hack on
Consumer - our products were not seen as appealing to the users.
We will not have operators this year- release in May
Most exciting thing - how will Mozilla drive the IoT world → This will be bigger than the smartphone revolution we show till now. Instead of starting with 6 years behind iOS and Android , we can start from the same point in IoT now.
Q: Does this only affect smartphones or smart-tvs too
A: Panasonic is not affected
Volunteers sharing - different teams will participate in different team - from legal to developers very differs - shows the power that mozilla is bringing
Videos on AirMO - These are available to all staff and NDA contributors.
Our Tuesday plenary is live on AirMo here: https://air.mozilla.org/mozlando-opening-session/. Highlights include: Chris Beard talking about our mission and what we stand for (10:41); Mark Mayo talking about Firefox Beyond the Browser (27:38); "market share is an outcome, it’s not really our intention"New Feature coming in 2016 - Activity Steam (32:45); Debugging the Open Web (38:20); Live release of Focus (tracking protection app for ios users!) - (43:30); Prototyping the future from the CTO unit (53:01)Becoming Loud Articulate & Opinionated in 2016 (Policy, Marketing, Education)(58:13); Ari talks about Firefox OS (1:16); Mitchell on momentum (1:30)
FRIDAY plenary is live on AirMo here: https://air.mozilla.org/mozlando-closing-plenary-session Highlights include: An inspiring story about graphics crashes (4:00); Our tools are getting faster (13:00); "We don’t want humans waiting on computers, we want computers waiting on humans"How we’re using data to make better decisions (18:30); Rust and being open (27:27); Growing our influence with the advocacy community (39:30); mzl.la/policysupportHow “Let’s Encrypt” is bringing openness to web certificates (46:00); The Test Kitchen of Marketing (54:45); Mitchell interviews Ari about Firefox OS & Connected Devices (1:10); In 2016 it all changes - the future of web apps (1:20); FlyWeb (1:46);
Watch it - share your favorite parts, your questions and join the discussion on Discourse here! Happy viewing!
I really appreciated the ask for feedback if something should or should not be under NDA. I feel that sometime this should be more mentioned at the session when people are tweeting ( was the iOS launch case in Portland)
TOPIC 3 - Mozilla Tunisia - New strategies for the local community
New Kernel Team- SFD preparation as an exemple → This is a very important event in Tunisia .
When we asked ourselves what is mozilla we have a divers range of answers but we decided to share one as per community - More ideas to grow the community
Made a research about what we can do for mozilla, what can mozilla do for us (as we compete with other clubs like Aiesec for ex. )
QUESTIONS: have you identified more functional areas you want to grow?keep the message simple - main area + in each one have more area coveredHave you checked the draft for Community Playbook? There are some ideas about community building with specific examples. (feedback welcomed)
TOPIC 4 - Advocacy issue: Whatsapp is blocked in Brazil - Dian Ina
Whatsapp is blocked in Brazil because they did not provide personal data to a court
It’s already live again
"in light of constitutional principles, it does not seem reasonable that millions of users are affected due to the inertia of the company “to provide information to court.”
ACTIONS: Whenever you spot something about online privacy ping the advocacy team at mzl.la/policysupport
One thing to remember is that just speaking out doesn’t necessarily result in change (as you all know, influence is complicated), and also we want to pick our spots (probably) on speaking out to make sure our voice is pointed and strong.