to @mkohler that helped with the today’s call announcements and agenda
to all our Irish friends and to all the peeps that are celebrating today, Happy St Patrics Day!
officially mozilla jordan have a free lab from Yarmouk university - jordan, Irbid /@qudahmahmood
Mozilla Education contributors who have been building towards a community launch.
People who volunteered to be part of the staff on-boarding introductions
the awesome community design team
TOPIC 1 - London All-Hands volunteer selection process (Emma)
Nominations are Open!
Participation team is driving them for volunteers
Any person selected in the Participation Leaders cohort (MozFest, Orlando, Leadership Summit) can nominate up to 1 volunteer Mozillian – with no self-nomination
Any volunteer Mozillian attendee of the Orlando All Hands can nominate up to 1 volunteer Mozillians – with no self-nomination
Rep Mentors - N ominations are not accumulative, you can not add nominations you can make
There is also a staff nomination process running in parallel.
Open Process - Any Mozilla Rep mentor, Council or Peer member can nominate up to 2 volunteer Mozillians – no self-nomination
Any person selected in the Participation Leaders cohort (MozFest, Orlando, Leadership Summit) can nominate up to 1 volunteer Mozillian – no self-nomination
Any volunteer Mozillian attendee of Orlando can nominate up to 1 volunteer Mozillians – no self-nomination
Is there a number of nominations u need to get to get to the workweek?
not about popular vote. you will be invited to apply if u got nominated.
Will there be a second step for this?
you will be invited to apply and third step the selection.
Don’t you think that those who were in the last All hands can just nominate each others ? --> lack of opportunity for the rest
there is a risk of nominating each other but we are hoping that people will use that as an opportunity to build the program, looking forward to the creative side. If you have any other ideas please let us know
its up to number of nomination for the same mozillians or just one is enough ?
it is not a popular vote as mentioned above - if u are nominated once you will get an invite to apply
Being London, it’s very accessible to European Mozillians, are you considering sponsoring low-cost flights and airbnb?
flights are being booked via egencia and hotels are already specified (you can check the wiki)
I mean, the cost difference can be 5-10 times better with low-costs and airbnb
All logistics will be informed to the selected mozillians, and it will be arranged as usual, through Egencia. We know about costs, but this is organized by Mozilla as a company meeting.
It’s an opportunity to get more community members a part of this event.
the problem with the community participating is not the cost but we want the best most engaged people to participate. Plus co-ordinating flights outside egencia and airbnbs (reimbursing etc) can be a logistical mess
It will be around a 100 volunteers. People from all over the world, and due logistics coordination, it’s easier if we have everyone on the same hotel (or at least on the same hotels). Coordinating 1400 people in total, spread in several parts of the city, is complicated. Aside that, other logistics like transportation, flights, foods is easier if it’s on one location. Low-cost flights are accepted, if you find cheaper options. Airbnb it’s not included.
Just as an aside, I will be in London regardless, and I guess so would other people too
This event is not open, it’s by invitation only, sorry.
If you have someone you want to nominate, please use this form by March 25th at 20h00 UTC:
I am working with Jessica O and we will be sending out emails to everyone on that mailing list (although this is mainly targeted at university & college students and most of that list is not students (as far as we know).
Any material to be localized?
Yes Our goal is to localize everything! We will launch in English and then start localizing.
FOSSASIA (Singapore). 18th-20th - FOSSASIA is the premier Free and Open Source technology event in Asia for developers, start-ups, and contributors. Projects at FOSSASIA range from open hardware, to design, graphics and software. FOSSASIA was established in 2009. Previous events took place in Cambodia and Vietnam.
Robert Reyes: “Mozilla on Connected Devices, MozVR & Firefox Developer Tools”.
Anivar Aravind: “India’s fight for Netneutrality and open internet”.
Rizky Ariestiyansyah: “WebAPI and Hybrid Application”.
Ram Dayal Vaishnav: “Firefox OS - Fast Track to IoT”.
Privacy@Indore (Indore, India). 19th - It is going to teach about awareness on web privacy to participation & Support open web of Mozilla mission & vision
Code for Mozilla (Hyderabad, India). 18th-19th - The event aims at importance and power of open web and how Mozilla and its products are building the web as a productive place every day. The event showcases various Mozilla projects which are used all over the world. It also aims at encouraging people to contribute to the Mozilla in their field of interest.The event also shows the participation paths for Mozilla with brief introduction.
MOSS - Make Open Source Software (Bucharest, Romania). 23 - A technical conference dedicated to open source developers working on Embedded & Mobile Systems and Cloud Solutions
TOPIC 5- What we are working on in the council - Umesh
Reps innovation Fund: We are working together to make it simple and helpful for people who wants to contribute in connected devices projects. Will have more update next week!
Evolution of the Reps program: All respective working groups are getting feedback from everyone through meeting and discussion. You still have time to participate by reviewing the notes on discourse and providing your valuable feedback.
Assign Mentors to Pending Applications: All pending Reps application has been assigned to Mentors. Respective mentors will contact them shortly.