ReMo Portal Event - If you attended this call or watched the AirMo recording, please mark yourself as an attendee here (both reps or mozillians),
Srushtika Neelakantam, @ Srushtika, Dog person !
Md Shahbaz Alam , @ mdsbzalam , neither
Daniele, @ Mte90net, no animal for me
Bala Subramaniyan | @ balapandu222
Prathamesh Chavan | @ pathfinderpc | I am a normal person -
konstanitna @ Konstantina_P my famly has 5 cats in my home in Greece, you can only imagine
Francisco, @ francjp, Fish
Sierra Reed, @ SimplxeSierra, D.O.G. for the win!!!
Robert Kaiser (KaiRo), no twitter, I like cats of other people but don’t want to have any pets…
Edoardo Viola, @ edovio, Bat Person xD
Robin Koshy , @ 007Robinkoshy , Dog Person
Md Atique Ahmed Ziad, @ atiqueahmedziad, not interested in pets
Alejandro Gómez @ alexfuser cat person!! I have three cats :3
Dinesh Mv, @ dinesh_mv | Cat Person
Kelimuttu, @ kelimuttu, and I’m a dog person
Pushpita Dey , @ PushpitaPikuDey, Neither dog nor cat.
Fauzan, @ fauzanalfi, just a normal person without pet
Yuli @ tuxxy, dog person
Jb @ blesajb, no pets for me
Jayesh KR | @ jayeshk_r | Dog Person (on Air)
Know some Reps who did an amazing work! Let’s share some #mozlove to them! ( they will be tweeted after the meeting)
Yuli for making a great work with Rust events, and help the Rust community in Mexico grows!
Ganesh and Edoardo for being super helpful at Community Coaches (and all the Community Coaches too!!!)+1
Sierra for the @mozillagram access for covering #RainOfRust
Mehul, Vigneshwer for organizing the RainofRust. Prathamesh and Jayesh for supporting the campaign.
Alex Fuser for doing an amazing job with A-frame projects and workshops in México
TOPIC 1 Mobilizers experiment (Daniele, Bob Chao, Vigneswher and Srushtika)
Quick introduction of Social Video intern, Taylor Nitta. She’s joining Mozilla from UC Berkeley as a Media Studies Major. You’ve already seen some of her work in social. Those videos for Firefox Focus – yup, she made those. Feel free to say hello to Taylor during All Hands!
TOPIC 5 - Open floor and questions
In this section the floor is yours to present in 1 minute a project you are working on and ask other Reps for help and support.
If you can’t make the call, please add your project below and a link with more information and we’ll read it for you during the call.
Coming to All Hands?!? Here’s some cool stuff you can participate in:
Come by the Best of Marketing Show & Tell to see some of the fun work the Marketing Department has done. You might even learn how to physically defend yourself from me ;_
Tuesday, June 27th, 3:00pm-4:30pm, Hilton, Imperial B (room)
Yup you read that correctly! We will be participating in a two pop-ups in San Francisco where you can create a tote bag or t-shirt to show that you are fighting for the internet. Details on where the pop-up will be
Wednesday, June 28th - Justin Herman Plaza (near the San Francisco Ferry Building) - 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Friday, June 30th - Union Square (near the hotels) - 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Saturday, July 1st - Union Square (near the hotels) - 11:00 am - 6:00 pm
NON-VERBAL UPDATES (ie: you can’t attend but want to share something)