ReMo Portal Event - If you attended this call or watched the AirMo recording, please mark yourself as an attendee here: (both reps or mozillians)
Jeremie - @ JeremiePat - Sevilla, Spain… it’s so gorgeous
Ioana - @ ioana_cis the city i really want to visit is Havana (Cuba)
Vibhanshu Chaudhary , @ vibhanshu95 , NY
Sierra - @ SimplxeSierra, Barcelona
Elio - @ elioqoshi, need to check out Tokyo at some point
Francisco, @ francjp. Taipei
Andre: @ soapdog (and @ amoralabs my solo company) and I want to visit Santorini
Hugo @ nex23, Beijing
Geraldo Barros (@ geraldobarros_) and I really want to visit Hanga Roa, Easter Island at Chile!
Edoardo: @ edovio, New York (if Trump lets you), Okay So I will try with San Francisco xD
Ruwan Ranganath, @ ruwan_ranganath ,Venice
Laka, @ lakatos88, Tokyo
Konstantina, @ Konstantina_P Rejkavik
Kiki @ kelimuttu, Seattle
Liza - @ tedeframbuesa and I want to visit Iceland
Vigneshwer - @ dvigneshwer - Tokyo
Shahbaz - @ mdsbzalam - San Fransisco
Yuli @ tuxxy - Tokyo
Rishita Bansal, @ bansal_rishita, and the city I want to visit is Paris
Prathamesh Chavan, @ pathfinderpc and the city I want to visit is Venice, Italy. Good choice!
Luis - @ lasr21 -
Rishu Goenka - @ rishugoenka, city i wanna visit are HaveLock Island and Paris
Srushtika, @ Srushtika, the list can’t fit here
Amine Zaafouri, @ZaafouriFF, <3 Tokyo <3
Adriano Cupello @londrix Chicago
Know some Reps who did an amazing work! Let’s share some #mozlove to them! ( they will be tweeted after the meeting)
to Laka for all his hard work on the newsletter
Elio Sunny Corner for starting his contract with Moz
Alex Fuser, joel Becerril for the FLISOL Toluca conferences and Mozilla Science workshops in México
TOPIC 1 - Jeremie - devs survey
Dev Marketing team is currently running a survey to better know about Developer/Designer expectation around Mozilla in order to design a new Developer Program.
Feel free to share that link around you but don’t be too enthusiastic as another survey, which will target Mozilla Volunteers, is expecrted in the next days and this one will be more important to channel through your contact in the Mozilla community.
Action: share the the devs survey with devs SHARE SHARE SHARE
TOPIC 2 - All Hands for volunteers - Francisco
will happen next June.
Selection process will be similar with Hawaii (more information about this plz) meaning that the nominations will come out from the team.
Availability invitation has been sent out
We will have approx 90 volunteer for this all hands
nomination can not be transferred to another people
Do I need to bring a burner phone in case they ask for my Social Media passwords?
there will be more support for legal
Bring firefox os phone, they won’t be able to hack it as goverment doesn’t have good webdevs. -> not exactly true, but funny -> I am always trying to do more funny than truthy. -> like it!
TOPIC 3 - Reps Webinar - Introducing new Reps -Laka and the new ones
Michael, Konstantina and Alex rolled out an Onboarding Webinar
Liza from Mexico ---- yeah, sorry about the delay in applications (and I have no idea why it keeps changing the other color of the sentence before that to me as well…) is this a bug? Maybe YES Yeap Si
Ruwan from Srilanka
Shahbaz from India
Vibhanshu from India
TOPIC 4 - Council update - Alex
Michael, Konstantina and Alex rolled out an Onboarding Webinar
We will write an evaluation for Q1 to learn from it
TOPIC 5 - Open floor and questions
* In this section the floor is yours to present in 1 minute a project you are working on and ask other Reps for help and support. * If you can’t make the call, please add your project below and a link with more information and we’ll read it for you during the call.
Plans on Open Design and new Brand Rollout among Communities this year. Zilla font will be officially launched in the next 17 of April
TOPIC 6 - ROM moment - Vishal
NON-VERBAL UPDATES (ie: you can’t attend but want to share something)