Weekly Updates: Language Variants, “Our Voices” Challenge and moreeeeee

Hello Common Voice Community,

In this week’s update we highlight; How you can include language variants Community Call, and “Our Voices” Challenge.

How you can include language variants

No two people speak exactly the same, everyone has their own way of speaking. For example, Spanish is spoken differently in Mexico to Spain.

Earlier this year we began to include variants for languages by consulting with contributors.

Let’s ensure everyone can have a voice within your language.

What you can do next:

We will be hosting more sessions in the future, this consultation period will run up to mid-July. I would encourage you to convene with other language contributors. If you need resources to help you host a community meeting please reach out to the Mozilla Resource Reps.

Community Call, 7th July

Are you interested in learning how people use the Common Voice Dataset with a privacy focus?

Alessio will be sharing how they made an offline voice message transcription in Signal desktop at the Community Call on the 7th of July.

Please feel free to use the sample social message to share with people!

On Thursday 7th July, I am attending the #MozillaCommunity call, where I’ll be learning how Alessio’s passion project which uses #CommonVoice dataset to create an offline voice message transcription in signal. Come along and learn

“Our Voices” Challenge

We are gearing up to announce the “Our Voices” model and methods competition!

“Our Voices” challenges technologists around the world to build speech recognition systems that understand and work for everyone, no matter their gender, accent, or language

Further details will be shared on the Common Voice blog next week.