6 months has said oops cannot find page says upgrade to new extension-where is it-I am disgusted please help
Looks like it came down around the end of May 2021: https://web.archive.org/web/20210101000000*/https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/mix-ext/
The May 30, 2021 capture says the “new” version was a beta. I don’t know where it went. ???
You could contact them here and see what’s going on: https://community.mix.com/contact
I do not type well but for 6 months I am having issues getting beyond the black boxes even after signing in. I added/collections to the url and now it seems to open for me-this only happens on mozilla with the black boxes!!
This site allows uploading an image if you want to share a picture of where the black boxes appear. That might help in diagnosing what causes them. Or you could try Mozilla Support: