I forgot how to open the tab to open and debugging webextensions. I know there was some address to be typed in the new tab to open the Firefox page where I can open unsigned plugin (the version developed by me). I hardly miss this as an option in the Tools menu.
Do you mean:
Yes, this is it. Thank you. But the page is not accessed. I just check options of webextensions debuger as I remember the remote debugging must be checked on. But still something is not configured correctly to access that page.
To enable remote debugging, go to: about:config
Then, search for: remote-enabled
If it is false, change it to true.
This option is enabled. I still cannot access it
Can you specify what do you want?
May be you mean the browser console? from the tool bar, click on the icon for “web developer tool”, then “browser console”.
This is the right one: about:debugging but I cannot access the page
After FF restart, it works now. Thx