In Firefox 40.0.3, when update old unsigned Firefox Add-on to newer signed version application, the version information in Firefox Extension page still old and the extention would be disabled since it could not be verified. Firefox 40.0.3 still load the old unsigned version.
It looks the profile file wasn’t updated immediately.
C:\Users\amspqa\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles[default profile]\extensions.json
But after waiting for about 20 mins, the newer signed version would be loaded.
I would like to know
When the extension could be updated by Firefox?
Is there any way we could make Firefox update immediately?
Firefox checks for updates once a day, which should be enough for the majority of users to update to the signed version fairly quickly. We generally don’t allow tampering with the update process, particularly if your add-on is listed on AMO.
For unlisted Add-on (install by application), we uninstall old unsigned Add-on and install newer signed version, but the new signed version can’t be verified immediately. In this case. Is there any way we could make Firefox verify new Add-on immediately?
In some environment it could be verified immediately, but others are not be verified immediately. Is there any thing to trigger the verification?
The signing certificate is checked by Firefox when an add-on is about to be installed.
So it either gets verified and the add-on gets installed or if the signature verification fails, the add-on will not get installed (or maybe installed and immediately disabled, not sure).
Update Firefox to 40.0.3 and the Add-on become not be verified since it’s unsigned.(Ref. P1.png)
We uninstall the unsigned Add-on and install signed Add-on to Firefox. But the Add-on still show not be verified. (the same as P1.png)
We fould the profile isn’t updated immediately
C:\Users\amspqa\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles[default profile]\extensions.json (Ref. P3.png)
But after waiting for about 20 mins, the newer signed version would be verified and loaded.
I would like to know is there any way we could make Firefox update and load the signed Add-on immediately?
Yes, the xpi is trend_micro_osprey_firefox_extension-
The binary files in the folder already update to 2.0.1083. But Firefox Extention Page still show 2.0.1082.