I’m a beginner and i’m curious to know which IDE or tools do you use to develop firefox addons (SDK or WebExtensions).
My first addon was written using the SDK and a text editor (notepad++).
Can you suggest an IDE with support for syntax highlighting and maybe code completion for SDK or WebExtensions?
I use Atom - it is excellent. It is a bit bad on performance. Notepad++ and/or Sublime should be used in parallel for very large files.
However Atom’s syntax highlighting and smart completion is excellent. The hotkeys are intuitive. I hate having to custom hotkeys wherever I go, Atom does a great job with it (except for the bookmark hotkeys, but they have a simple hotkey template).
I don’t like how they use CoffeeScript so much, but I can live with it.
What you will find esepcially useful is this plugin for Atom which does WebExtension linting by @rpl here is his show and tell -
Luca’s Show and Tell
Initial prototype of an Atom WebExtensions plugin (which currently integrates addons-linter into the atom-linter gutter)