Add-on is corrupted and cannot be installed

Hi, I am an add-on developer. I submitted an add-on several days ago, it has been reviewed and thus not signed, but public to users. When trying to install it, I got an error message:

But after downloading the file and unzip it, I found nothing wrong with the package.

I am wondering, is this because the package is unsigned? If it cannot be installed, is there anyway to hide it from users? Thanks.

Users can not install unsigned addon on normal current Firefox.
They can on nightly and dev versions.

You have 2 options:

  • wait for the review;

  • make an unlisted version WITH A DIFFERENT UUID and sign that without going trough the review. You will be able to install it or share it with others.

I think you can have the same UUID on a listed and unlisted addons but I think it creates confusion.

Best is to wait for the review. It takes a few days usually.

Note that unlisted addons don’t auto-update so users will have to manually update the addon.

I think they do update but they need a update url that serves some metadata about new versions.

There are several reasons:-

  • Add-on is incompatible.
  • Add-on has a high risk of causing stability or security problems and can’t be installed.
  • Corrupt extension files.
  • Conflict with other extensions.

It can be installed after review.
So the add-on is not incompatible, corrupt, or conflict with others.

I guess it’s because of the add-on ID. After being reviewed, the add-on is signed with a permanent add-on ID. But before that, the unreviewed version has no add-on ID, which cannot be installed as mentioned here.