1- What is the point of making the code hard to read (obfuscated)?
(function( w, c, a ) {
var $ = w['recordseek'] = {
'w': w,
'a': a,
'c': c,
'v': {
'ver': c.runtime.getManifest().version,
All that instead of chrome.runtime.getManifest().version,
The code is still minified but with line-breaks and spaces
eg: $.c.storage.local.set
(function( c, d ) {
// fail quietly if we can't access the Chrome or document objects we need
if ( c && d && d.body && d.URL ) {
}( chrome, document ));
2- Your add-on’s code includes instances of printing debugging information to the Console, which is generally not allowed in production add-ons. Please remove or disable such logging.
3- For inserting text, textContent (or JQuery text) or createTextNode() should be used instead of innerHTML.
@erosman i just added version 2.5.3 and it should adhere to all your needs. This has been a complete rewrite. I would REALLY like to get this approved. If you can help make that happen, I would be SO grateful. Thanks for all you do!