For whatever reason my session manager disapeared from my browser, when I tried to download a new version I got the error msg failed to download check internet connection. Having checked I had no problems I tried to down load several different addons with the same result. Please help.
See for details on the issue.
This does not correct the issue for me. Running 66.0.4, and every addon I try to download from throws a “download failed. Please check your connection” message. If I try to download those same addons externally, Firefox throws up a “The add-on downloaded from this site could not be installed because it appears to be corrupt” message.
Thanks for the report, @cybrzombie. I’m not entirely sure why 66.0.4 did not fix the problem for you, but I do know there were other issues in the dot release and we just released 66.0.5 a few minutes ago to correct those issues. Hopefully you will get the updated version soon; let us know if you still have problems on 0.5.