Hello all,
Another All Hands, another FAQ, if you have more inquiries, questions, doubts, please reply to this topic. This FAQ is based on the previous ones, so feel free to ask anything you need to know.
What is an All Hands?
An All Hands is a meeting where all the Mozilla Employees get together to meet in person with their team mates, to work on their projects, to plan, and to discover more about the objectives and the goals of the organization for the next quarters… It’s also an opportunity to work across teams, to identify shared priorities and to build a broader understanding of Mozilla.
What are the objectives/goals?
The main objective is the opportunity to work in person teams that usually works remotely. This is very much a “get work done” event. Also is the occasion to learn about the objectives of Mozilla for the next quarters, and align all the teams under those goals.
What is the selection criteria?
Each team has assigned a certain amount of spots to invite volunteers, so they need to select carefully those people that they want to work more closely, or in a specific project for the next months. The criteria depends on each team, and also depends on the objectives or goals that they have for the next quarters.
The process was through nominations, and then the teams voted and select the volunteers based on their contributions, and commitment proposal.
How many volunteers are invited?
For the Hawaii All Hands, 70.
How often we have these All Hands and where?
From 2015, we are having 2 gatherings per year.
I’ve been working with X team and they didn’t select me, even after I made important contributions
It could be that the team you’ve been working with doesn’t have more space to invite volunteers. We encourage you to have a conversation with the team(s) you work with to better inform both of you for upcoming events.
Where I can find information about the All Hands?
You can check the wiki, where you’ll find all the necessary information. From the Participation team, we will be sending an email after you complete the registration with the details about how to book your flights.
What if I want to stay a couple of days more at Hawaii?
The official arrival date is December 5th, and the departure should be Saturday 10th. Anything outside these dates will be on your own. Mozilla will cover flights, meals and accommodation only for those days. If you want to extend your stay in Hawaii, be aware that you will have to look for an accommodation option, and flight price should be similar to the official dates.
It will be activities like previous All Hands?
Yes, please check the wiki for get more information.