Since our first All Hands in Portland (previously called coincidental work week), we’ve aimed to have highly committed and impactful volunteer Mozillians join the event, integrated into employee teams. 261 volunteer Mozillians have been invited over the course of the past 3 All Hands, with just 50 of those attending more than 1 event.
We’ve heard from teams and volunteers that this increases impact, engagement, alignment and commitment, so this initiative is continuing for the December 2016 All Hands in Hawaii.
The process of selecting volunteers has evolved each All Hands. The process will evolve again, largely driven by an added constraint – very limited space at the hotel and a decision that overflow to other hotels is not something we want (we want all Mozillians in the same location).
What this means:
There were 114 volunteers invited to the last All Hands – we don’t have final numbers, but it’s likely the space available will be lower for this All Hands.
Largely because of space constraints, we will not be running an open nomination process – all volunteers will be nominated by staff, through their respective teams.
You can find out more here.
If you were nominated by a staff member you can expect to hear something this week (Sept 21 to 23). Otherwise, you haven’t been nominated and there isn’t another process to be invited.
As always, please be aware:
- there are many hundreds of high impact Mozillians around the world who qualify for such invitations, and many fewer spots than people
- being invited to these events is not a form of recognition or reward – there are a bunch of considerations going into the nominations (largely alignment with each team’s plan for the All Hands)
Feedback and questions are always welcome.