Hello lovely Reps,
as you know the community portal will launch next month and our plan is to also migrate the Reps program inside the community portal. The main two new reasons we are doing that is to:
ensure we have all our volunteers inside one platform
have less platform to maintain.
Our plan is to migrate all the Reps to the community portal and sunset the Reps portal (reps.mozilla.org) by the of Q1 2020. But in order to do so, we need to ensure that all the Reps-specific functionalities are being covered either via the new community portal or via external tools.
The Reps Council had a meeting last week and identified the following functionalities as specific to the Reps program that are not being covered right now by version 1 of the community portal:
TO DO LIST: List of your action items for you and mentees (automatically created/triggered)
prompts to add metrics to your event page
Prompts for Bugzilla budget/swag requests need-info
Prompts for bugzilla based on different whiteboard tags
Prompts for votes
VOTING TOOL: system for electing reps council, the review team votes on budgets, the council uses it for decision making.
Includes special fields on events for Metrics & Goals, Budget & swag request links
Ability to add pre-defined report types to show activity
Activity reporting other than events
Mentor re-assignment (+ list of mentors without a mentee)
Mentor structure
Rep of the Month Nomination / Display on front page / Display on profile / Archive (currently linked from the front page below the current RoM)
REPS DISCOVERABILITY - Ability to search people inside the group.
Functional Teams (Resources Reps, Newsletter, Onboarding Review Team)
Featured Rep
Contents from wiki nowadays
Static comment from the Reps portal
So the question for you is: have we missed something? Please add on the comments below functionalities that we might have missed that are unique to the Reps program.
In the following days, the Reps Council members will open discourse topics to discuss every single theme. What we want to understand is: are those functionalities still needed? Do we need them in the community portal or can we cover with other tools? What is the interim solution until those custom features are built inside the portal?
So basically what the portal does right now for the Reps program (as feature)? I think only event management.
I think that is missing the stats part in this list.
All those features will be implemented as are they right now in the portal or all the bug about some implementations or new features/changing of them will be implemented? I think like a text for the reps of the month nomination.
Hey David,
that’s a great question. For now we are not planning to migrate the historical data from events however we are planning to keep them in archive for reference.
If you have a user care on why we should migrate them to the new platform, let us know.
yes and also the members/groups and profile capabilities
we have activity metrics in the list, I will change it to just metrics to make it more clear. Do you mean anything else with stats?
the idea is that we don’t transfer them as they are but rather have a programmatic conversation with everyone in the program about its feature. Once we decide we want to migrate those features we will of course have a conversation on how those will look in the new portal (bugs will be taken into consideration).
I had previously suggested about changing the “Initiatives” drop down in the event portal of the Reps page. The latest Firefox Reality and Mozilla Hubs can be added to the MozActivate as many Reps are focusing these projects as a part of Evangelism mission or Code contributions.
Also metrics can be modified accordingly, for example:
Number of virtual spaces created in Mozilla Hubs.
Number of participants who participated virtually in Mozilla Hubs.
How many will contribute towards improving Firefox Reality after this session.
Number of Firefox Reality downloads on different VR devices.
How many will use Firefox Reality in their daily activities in VR space.
Please take this into consideration while doing the transition.
An option in the dropdown to create one’s own metrics under “Other”.
That will help us create a wider bandwidth of measuring success for various different events.