We keep getting request in the #IndieWeb IRC chat for a Japanese translation of the microformats article.
Are there any folks fluent in Japanese willing to try? Automated tools made a mess of meaning.
We keep getting request in the #IndieWeb IRC chat for a Japanese translation of the microformats article.
Are there any folks fluent in Japanese willing to try? Automated tools made a mess of meaning.
Can you please tell me more details on it? Where can I find the IRC chat?
The article is here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/microformats
I am checking logs to see if it was #microformats on freenode chat or #Indieweb-dev (also on freenode).
Most are requests from Twitter written in Japanese asking for help that our bots pick up and syndicate to IRC
@fumiya Here was the discussion: https://chat.indieweb.org/microformats/2019-06-05#t1559743744412200
Ok, so this guy says on Twitter that the translation of the article on microformats is terrible, but not willing to do himself.
@YuyaIto3 https://developer.mozilla.org/ja/docs/Web/HTML/microformats ひどい翻訳だなこれ(なら翻訳してやれよって話だけど…) (twitter.com/_/status/1136267435290398722)
I’ll do it, will take some time, though. Thank you!
Ow wow this is so great…but who knows maybe after we finish the page we can ping the person again and try to see if we cultivate another contributor to the Japanese pages.
We also redid the micforomats page so much of the content changed
Ow wow this is so great…but who knows maybe after we finish the page we can ping the person again and try to see if we cultivate another contributor to the Japanese pages.
They do have a Japanese community and do translation (probably once a month?) and stuff, but we just need more people to engage in it like you say…
Yeah community takes work so I often find the easiest thing to do is let doing the work tell the story of why.
I saw you already doing this and broadcasting the work. People see the value in contributing this way.
Best thing to do is learn and work out loud (in language of choice) and then post reflection when done.
Thanks again for fighting against English hegemony online.