Italian front end web developer looking for MDN collocation

I’m an Italian front end web developer and I’m writing to you because I’d like to contribute on MDN Learning Area.

I’ve spent 10-15 years developing in Flash/Flex/AIR and then WPF-C# for desktop applications.

Currently I develop using HTML CSS and JavaScript, of course, and Angular framework.
A couple of months ago I started using stackblitz and codepen to share some of my study and research.

I’m a bit deaf so I’d like not to deal with audio/video content and also I’m afraid I couldn’t contribute on accessibility issues for blind impaired users.

As “a finger in the water test” I feel I could translate in my mother
tongue one or two articles, or review the ones already translated.
Mozilla community is quite large and I couldn’t find an Italian MDN team manager yet.
So I turned directly to you.


Hi @dan.barell, and thanks for getting in touch with us.

I’d love to help you find some productive volunteer work do on MDN, so let’s discuss what the work could be.

You could certainly do some translations, but I need to warn you that we don’t have a plan or strategy for localization, and we don’t have teams for specific languages. This is something we need to develop a strategy for…

The learning area material is not likely to change that much at this point, so anything you do translate will remain fairly current. I’m looking into working out a plan soon.

Or you could look at something else - helping us to fix bugs in the English documentation, or write demos?

Hi Chris!
Thanks for the answer! I saw I are very busy and I’m here to help you and the community :slight_smile:

For translations, ok, I will try to do myself. I’d like to try translating the CSS layout module.. Is it written by Rachel Andrew? That would be double cool :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t know if I’m able to fix English documentation, but I certainly can try.
Maybe I’m better to write demo code.

Anyway I’m here to help and I completely trust you about my placement. :slight_smile:

Yes, that one is by Rachel :wink:

Sure thing, that’d be a good one to translate, as we don’t have any decent translations there yet.

Also the cookbook.
Well that’s would be great for me :slight_smile:

I think I will start with it.
A question, maybe a stupid one: but the “mdnwendocs-bot” is ‘human’ author? :sweat_smile:

mdnwebdocs-bot is an automated user that does some linting work on the pages.

There are not a lot of Italian contributors on MDN, but @Mte90 Can probably connect you with other Italians in the broader Mozilla community.

Good to know!
I’m looking for a Mozilla Italian forum. I confide in finding some resources there.
Thanks Janet :wink:

Ehi @dan.barell as Mozilla Italia community it is a long desire for a lot of our volunteers to start contributing to MDN on localizing the articles in Italian.
We missed someone that can help and lead (with a bit of organizations about what prioritize as content) that task.
If you are interested join us on Telegram with @mozitabot and joining the Developers group :slight_smile: