Assessment for Mozilla splash page task

Hello :slight_smile: ,
Can I ask for an assessment for my code? Here are the Glitch code, Glitch website & Task.
I’m not sure about link images. If I understand corectly when the viewport width is 500 pixels or less browser should choose image that’s 120px wide but even if I shrink page and try to open image in new tab it shows that it’s 400px wide not 120px.

Thank you in Advance

Hello @842u :vulcan_salute:

you doing great well done

for the image issue i guess you are using chrome / or any chromium based browser
if that correct then that cause once you load the page with the bigger image then when you resize your screen it just scale the image you can say it like to save the bandwidth required to load the other image

hope that help and have a nice day :slight_smile:

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Hello @justsomeone

Yes you’re right. I’m using Chrome. Now that makes sens for me. I am very grateful for your answer :slight_smile:.

Thanks and have a good day too :wave:

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@842u you very welcome

if you try in firefox you would see it behave as you expect and also picture make chrome behave as you expect also

and thanks a lot :slight_smile:

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